Two Worlds Collide [Pt. 4]

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You hid at a corner covering your mouth.

He loves you?

How can that be possible?

Michael was silent a few minutes until he finally spoke up, "You don't know what you're talking about." He said nonchalantly, "You're talking shit."

"Your mouth may deny it Michael Joseph but I know your feelings screams otherwise."

You made a move to go away but you bumped a table almost dropping the vase sitting there, "Oops!" You gasped catching it before it falls, you looked up to Michael and Tatiana who's looking back at you blankly, "I'm sorry I was about to go out for awhile."

"Better yet don't come back." Tatiana mumbled and turned to the living room's large window.

Michael ignored her and walked closer to you but you took a step back.

"I won't be long." You reassured, "I gotta go." And you walk away.

"Wait." Michael called as you reached his lawn. You stopped turning to face him, "You can't go out if you don't have things." He said handing you your purse.

"Th-thanks." You stuttered feeling stupid, "I'll be back in an hour."

"OK." He said.

You nod turning around and walked away, waiting for a cab.

"Y/N." Michael called approaching you, "I can give you a ride. So you don't have to commute."

"What about Tatiana?"

"She's still upset at me. We'll talk later."

You shook your head, "No, you stay with my son. I don't want that woman near her."

He sighed knowing he got no choice, "Fine. Just be careful."

"I will now go."

A taxi from a distance arrived and you raise your hand to hail it. The cab stopped in front of you. And you turn to give Michael a curt nod before hopping inside.

Michael watched until the taxi disappeared in sight before walking back to his house.

You walked inside the mall with billions of thoughts going on your mind. You were so confused right now.

One time you're happy but now you're down.

Was it because of the kiss?

Because of your old feelings for Michael?

Or because of the truth you've been hiding for so long?

Too engrossed with your thoughts you felt yourself bump into somebody.

"Sorry." You and the person said in union. Turns out that the person is your aunt.

"Y/N?" She asked in bewilderment.

"Aunt Y/A/N." You beamed hugging her.

You and Y/A/N are so freaking close especially when you were a little girl. Out of all the aunts you had she is the sweetest and the most soft spoken. So you can open up to her without worrying for wild reactions. You still do until now.

"Ohh you've gone so beautiful darling." She comments.

You giggled pulling away, "Of course. It's because I inherit it from you." You joked.

At the restaurant...

"So you seeing somebody?" She asked as you finished ordering.

Mini Series Starring: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now