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(Hestia p.o.v)

     As I was staring at the wall intrapped in their beauty I didn't notic Cee them bring me to a new cell in the dungend so when something hit me very hard I was surprised.

    so I look around and it stings so much I can barely think straight, but soon I realised they whiped me with a horse whip. I stared a gaia in shock before I got angry and was about to yell at her when she pulled out the whip and SNAPP!! Was all I heard right before I got whiped again but they changed whips to a new barbed whip that felt worst than the Styx per barb and there is a barb every two centimeters and about a foot of the whip hit me every time.

   They kept whipping me so much that every time I get too close to insanity they stop not alowing me to go into the soft imbrace of insanity to save me from the pain, but after 4 days straight with not even an inch of my body is left with no scars.

    The pain is all I could think about when they unchained me and brought me to the throne room to meet their boss. Just then I realise their boss is chaos, so that means I have litterly no chance of escape.

Grovers p.o.v

"Mmmm tin cans" I  say dreamily.

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