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(Percy's p.o.v)

As I woke up in my very comfy bed, I thought "why can't I remember anything about yesterday, then all of a sudden the memories of the deaths and grief after the battle and the body burning came back to me.

Horrified and devastated I had to hold back a sob and the erge to curl up in a ball. As I stared at the ceiling thinking "why me? Why am I put into the life of a demi-god.

Then their was a gold flash of light, and I stood before the fates and they looked at me with pity? " I don't want your pity" I growled. The fates looked shocked that anyone dared talk to them like that, then again I am their champion. they stared at me for a few seconds then pulled out a string and was about to cut it. when they said "you may be our champion but we won't take this disrespect from anyone." I stared at them and laughed and said "go ahead I want to die, and you will lose your favorite boy that you love to break his life and turn it into a horror story ." the fates stared at me and said "no one controls your fate you are beyond us the fates" they said all at once.

hey by the way I just wanted to give a shout out to a friend from school @Christopherjones207 honestly I have to say reaching 80 views feels nice. although my chapies my be short but I like them.

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