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I wake up early in the morning to pack my bags. I wore my black vest that was open and it had golden lining. I wore a white crop top underneath. I wore a black skirt with Once again golden lining. And I had high black boots. My vest had one sleeve on the left side. Once I was done getting dressed and packing I left mom a note saying:

Dear mom,
I'm going to magnolia to find dad. I know you'll come after me but I don't care. U never talk about him. I found an old picture of him as well so I can find him easier. I love you mom.

Love~ Nashi

I left it on the kitchen table and I leave. I get to the train station and sigh.

"Why does my stomach hate me...." I said while boarding the train.

A few hours after gagging and trying so hard not to pass out I finally make it to magnolia. I grabbed my bags and wabbled out of the train car.

My legs gave up and I fell but was caught by a man with Raven blue hair and for some reason no damn shirt on wearing a sword necklace and with a blue emblem on his chest.

"Are u ok?" He asked. I looked up and stood up to properly say something. Like how mom taught me. "Yes I'm ok. And thanks for catching me. I didn't wanna get a face full of concrete." I laughed. He laughed a little too and introduced himself.

"My name is Gray." "I'm Nashi" I replied with a smile.

"I just came back from a mission. Do you want to come to our guild if you have no place to stay? I'm sure gramps wouldn't mind." He said. I smiled and accepted his offer.

We were walking down the streets of magnolia when he said "ya'know you oddly remind me of this idiot back at my guild. The pink hair and the easy motion sickness. Even the clothes are similar. Hell, you also remind me of another friend who left the guild 18 years ago." He finished.

"Really? That's odd." I replied.

We made it to the doors of the fairy tail guild. I can't believe it. I'm actually gonna meet dad....

Nashi dragneelWhere stories live. Discover now