Mission - Get Nick a gf.

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(Joe's POV)
Joe runs upstairs to get his phone and starts calling Olivia.
*ring ring, ring ring*
Olivia: "Hey it's Olivia, what's up Joe?"
Me: "I need you to do a favour for me."
Olivia: "And what would that favour be?"
Me: "Oh nothing big, I was just curious, are you currently single?"
Olivia: "Why yes I am, please don't remind me and why are you asking?"
Me: "I have a boyfriend in mind for you."
Olivia: "Um, I'm not into two-timing with someone, I'm not that king of girl-"
Me: "I know, I was talking about Nick-"
Olivia: "Oh well, I'm fine with you setting me up with him anytime."
Me: "Good, Nick's had this crush on Demi for quite some time, and you can just imagine how awkward it must be for his own brother to be in a relationship with her."
Olivia: "He must be heartbroken, I'll see what I can do, what time should I come round?"
Me: "Anytime's fine, even now is a good time to get him distracted."
Olivia: "Okay, I'll be there in 5."
Me: "Bye!"

Demi comes rushing towards me.
Demi: "So, is she in?"
Me: "Yeah, she's free."
Demi: "Good, I hate to see Nick heartbroken."
Me: "Same here, and I have to put up with it a lot more because we're related and ugh."

*knock at the door*
Nick: "I'll go get it."
I wink at Demi and Demi amediantly winks back.
I follow close behind Nick, and stand next to him whilst he opens the door.
Olivia: "Hey Nick."
Nick just stares and is unable to respond.
I pat his back, he looks at me and I point at her to make sure he talks.
Nick: "Hey Olivia, what are you doing here?"
Olivia looks at me and I hand gesture her "no" so she doesn't spoil the plan.
Olivia: "Oh I was in the neighbourhood and I thought I would stop by, are you gonna let me in then?"
Nick: "Yeah sure." He moves to the side to let her in we all go to the table, I sit beside Demi and he sits beside Olivia. "The plan is running smoothly." I whispered in Demi's ear.
She looked around to make sure they the new couple were lost in each other's eyes then gave me a thumbs up.

(Nick's POV)
What the hell is happening? Why is Olivia here? Why are Demi and Joe acting so weird about all this? WAIT. ARE THEY TRYING TO SET ME ME UP WITH OLIVIA? MY CRUSH. I KNOW I SHOULD LOVE THEM FOR THIS, but it's hard to love them when they're just trying to get me to back off Demi. It's just all so predictable. Should I play along or tell them I've figured their plan out?
I'll play along since she's a nice girl but I just feel bad that they're using her to basically get rid of me. I wonder if she knows about this...I must tell her, it's not right for a girl like her to be dragged along like this.
Me: "Olivia, can we go into the other room a minute?"
Olivia: "um, sure."
Demi & Joe instantly stare me down when I get up.
Me: "I just need to tell her something in private, you guys carry on eating."
They immediantly go back to eating, but I'm not fooling for that old trick of pretending you're eating then ease-dropping on every word so I took Olivia's hand and she followed me to the spare room.
Olivia: "So why are we up here?"
Me: "I need to confess something-"
Olivia cuts me off and kisses me. 
I shut my eyes and she continues to passionately kiss me...is this really happening, is my crush of all time really kissing me? I must be dreaming
I break the kiss because I remember why we're here.
Olivia: "What's wrong, don't you like me?"
Me: "Olivia, I've loved you since forever but don't you see? Demi & Joe are using you. Sure, they've set us up, but doesn't it feel at least a bit bad being used like this?"
Olivia: "Not when you've been my crush for years, I've always been the girl who was never able to confess anything, whenever I liked someone. I just kept the feelings inside which of course never ended well, but I was just never able to imagine them ever liking me back."
Me: "You must be crazy, those guys would be lucky as hell to go out with you, why do you put yourself down so much when you're this perfect in my eyes? It doesn't make sense."
Olivia: "Maybe in your eyes, but through mine, whilst I'm looking in the mirror. I don't see what you see, I just see a fragile, ugly, old monster."
Me: "I'll find a way to make you see yourself the way I see you, soon. If it's the last thing I do, I just want you to be happy with who you are."
Olivia: "Just you saying that, makes me feel like I'm safe with you, I know you would never harm me."
Me: "That's right, I won't. We should go back down, they're going to start wondering where we are."
Olivia: "Can we at least organise a date for later on first?" she giggles and I nod.
Me: "How about a picnic in the park, whenever you're free?"
Olivia: "That sounds perfect, I'm free tomorrow. We can meet up at Starbucks at 1pm then go to the park."
Me: "Sounds good to me, let's go see if they haven't ease-dropped on us."

As we walked downstairs, Olivia still holding my hand. We saw Demi & Joe almost finished with their food, and leaving to clean the dishes. Looks like they haven't heard of anything that just happened. Hopefully I won't have to explain it to Joe later on, I wonder where Kevin's up to, I haven't seen him for ages.
He's probably too busy with Danielle, since they've had a baby and all, I think I'll keep this relationship with Olivia a secret for now, and I can just say it casually to Demi & Joe for payback as trying to get me off their backs.

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