I think about you ❤

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So, let's carry on from where I left off, enjoy!

Joe and Demi finally get to the front of the line, to order their McDonalds.

Demi: "Finally! I hate being patient!"

Joe: "Don't I know it, sure we'll have two cheeseburgers, fries, and two diet cokes please."

Demi: "Wow, you know it off by heart babe"

Joe: "Haha, you do order it enough times"

Without their knowledge, Nick came to Starbucks early, but Demi was nowhere to be seen, so he had a walk about, and spied Demi & Joe in McDonalds eating together, and making silly faces at each other. He watched them from the afar, and the sight killed him inside, he always felt heartbroken, seeing Demi with another man, but he knew he had to stay strong, and just be happy that he's friends with her, some people don't even get to meet her, one tear crawled it's way out, but he tried his best to hide it and went to find a table at Starbucks.

Demi checked her watch and saw that it was nearing the time of her and Nick's get together, she had to rush and fool Joe into leaving her alone for a while, so she could talk to Nick alone.

Demi: "Um, Joe I have to go soon, I have some sheets to complete, so I can appear on Glee and just incase I harm myself, I won't sue them for the damages"

Joe: "Sure Demz, we should really hurry then"

Joe ate a little quicker, as if he fell for Demi's trick straight away.

Demi ate her food, and drank her diet coke, so she could meet Nick, it was still a bit early, but she knew Nick was always early.

Demi: "We should really get going"

Joe: "I'm coming!"

Joe ate his food and drank his coke as quickly as possible, and followed Demi home.

When Joe & Demi arrived home, Demi quickly rushed to their bedroom, 'to fill in those sheets'...Not really, she just creeped out the window and ran to Starbucks.

As soon as she got to Starbucks, she was exhausted, and spotted Nick at a table alone, checking his watch, Demi quickly rushed over.

Demi: "Sorry for being late" Nick cut Demi off 

Nick: "You're not late...Did you run here? You're really sweaty."

Demi: "Oh Damn, look, we really need to talk Nick."

Nick: "I hardly know what this is about, but I'm gonna order your favourite, okay?"

Demi: "You're the sweetest, thanks"

Waiter comes to their table. 

Waiter: "Would you like to order?"

Nick: "Sure, two sugar free grandes and a cinnamon dolce frap"

Waiter: Sure, right away sir."

Demi ignores the fact that Nick knows her favourites, they've been friends since...forever, and she needed to get something off her chest.

Demi: "Nick."

Nick: "Yeah, Demz?"

Demi: "I know, that you love me, I've known for a while now, and I know I shouldn't, but I feel the same way, I know I shouldn't because of Joe, but I do..."

Nick: "I don't know what to say."

Demi: "Then just let me talk, I'm sorry we can't be together, but I swear if it wasn't for Joe, we would date, for certain. I swear. Look, I know I'm probably not making you feel any better, but I just wanted to recommend a song which will help, I used to listen to it when I was in rehab, and I think this may be just the song to describe everything, what I feel for you, and what you feel for me.

It's called "I think About You" by Ross Lynch.

I know it's strange for me to be watching a Disney channel show, but I just started watching it, and it was pretty good, then they done a scene with that song in it, and it was so romantic."

Nick cut Demi off, and hugged her, Demi hugged him back.

She could feel Nick shaking, and breaking down, so she found the song on her phone and started playing a instrumental version, so she could sing the lyrics to him, and since she knew how much Nick loved her, she was also recording herself at the same time, so she could send it to him, to remind him of this moment.

Nick broke the hug and sat down, he noticed Demi was getting ready to sing and started cheering, whilst wiping away his tears.

Demi started singing:

Last summer we met.

We started as friends.

I can't tell you how it all happen.

Then autumn – it came.

We were never the same.

Those nights – everything felt like magic.

Nick kept his eyes on Demi the whole time.

And I wonder if you miss me too. Demi smiled at him.

If you don't here's the one thing that I wish you knew.

I think about you every morning when I open my eyes.

I think about you every evening when I turn out the lights.

I think about you every moment, every day of my life.

You're on my mind all the time. It's true.

And so on.

Demi finished the song, and sent it to Nick's phone.

Demi: "Just incase you want to remember this, I sent it to your phone."

Demi gives Nick one last hug, tight but sweet.

Nick was still wiping his tears.

Nick: "Thanks Demi, you are truly the nicest human being I've ever come across"

Demi: "And you're the sweetest." Demi winks, and starts walking home.

I guess I should've warned you guys about all the feels!

Sorry. :P

[SHOUTOUT: Tessie98] (http://www.wattpad.com/user/Tessie98)

I love this girl, and she is seriously a legendary writer, she's only written one book, but you should still check her out, if you know Max Schneider, she has written a fanfic on him, and it's just flawless! If you don't know him, then you can't sit with us monkeys. xP

Anyways, hooray for another day of college...NOT!

Bye guys, let me know if you want more, I'm just gonna be at college, sitting in a corner, reading manga. xP

Aloha xoxo

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