Kate merely smiled and walked back to the bar. His voice was wonderful, though she had only heard it for a second she thought that it was the sultriest thing she’d ever heard. She watched the man out of the corner of her eye as she continued to dry the glasses and serve the odd customer. He finally stood up and sauntered over to the bar, he sat down at one of the stools and pushed his hair back and out of his face before removing his thick leather jacket. Atop his dark ripped jeans he wore a very tight fitting T-shirt and a few silver chains around his neck. Kate was sneaking glances at his torso, which looked as though it would be sculpted like a god’s. He had a strong set jaw line and a little stubble on his chin, everything about the man was dark and wild, except his eyes which radiated a magnificent shade of blue.

“So what can I get you?” She asked him.

“Whisky, neat,” he answered gruffly.

“Well sure thing,” the way he looked up at her from under his eyelashes with his lips set in that straight line was incredibly sexy. Kate found herself lingering in his presence a moment before she left to prepare his drink. His gaze remained fixed on her as she did. “I don’t think I caught your name before,” Kate said once his drink was firmly in his hand.

He took one long sip, almost draining the glass before he flicked his money on the counter. “I don’t believe I offered it.” As curt as his tone was, he was sure trying hard to be polite.

“Oh well I was just making conversation is all.” Kate smiled, a little hurt from the disinterest in his voice.

The man said nothing for a while; he just drank the last of his whisky. “Another,” he demanded. Kate pulled out another glass and made his drink, handing it to him without a word. She looked at his handsome face expectantly for a moment more before she simply walked to the other side of the bar to stack the dishwasher. She returned twice more to refill his glass but she said no more to him.

When he left she collected his empty glasses and her tip. He tipped really well, too well. Maybe he realised how rude he was being, she thought. She noticed a piece of paper folded in with her tip, it read, in scrawled handwriting; Hunter.

By the time she realised that he had in fact left her his name, he was gone. She had almost hoped that he would leave her a number too, but there was nothing.

The morning after a long night was always hard. Kate woke up late but she was hoping to sleep longer as she wasn’t due in for work until three that afternoon. Kate lived in a small villa that she rented, there were five other villas close-by owned by the same landlord. It was a small town that she lived in but she was in the more suburban part of town; there are a lot of bigger properties on the outskirts. The town had a small shopping centre and a swimming pool and a library. The bar where Kate worked was only one of two in the town itself; it was only a twenty minute drive to the city where there was a bubbling metropolis of pubs and clubs. Kate never really went into the city unless she needed to buy new clothes because her old ones didn’t fit or have been worn down to the brink of disintegration.

She was pouring herself some breakfast cereal when she heard a knock on her front door. She put down her bowl and walked over to the door. She opened it to her friend and neighbour Skyler Perkins.

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