Ayame said "I am currently a little better then an apprentice quincy."

Naruto nods and said "Right, I understand you can use your quincy powers without a gigai right."

A voice from behind them said "Yes and No." as Kisuke appeared.

Naruto nods and said "Just the man I wanted to see. I need 3 of the new gigais ready to goto the elemental countries in 2 hours. I need 2 of them with captain supression seals on them. Can you get them for me."

Kisuke nods and asked "I can guess the 3 of you are going but whose the other captain."

Naruto said "I don't know yet. I do know that I want another captain though since I am not properly trained yet for anything that may require assistance from soul society and I don't know if everyone has been informed of my recent promotion yet so incase the one guy who don't know is on the other end of the hell butterfly I still can prove authorization."

Kisuke said "Right, get started with what you need and I will get the 4 bodies ready. Unless you use a special gate Ayame won't be able to use her powers either so I will have one ready for her as well." as he walks back into compound.

Naruto turned to Ayame and Tenten and said "Both of you get ready incase its a trap."

Tenten asked "Do you really think it could be one."

Naruto said "Maybe, remember I am not the most popular guy around and since I was told there were some people after the tailed demons they might be after me and found out your dads were our sensei and using them to find me. Lets hope its just something simple though."

Siofon said "Sir, I can have the 2nd squad on standby incase its a trap. I know both Dustin and Teuchi and if they actually had to fight and were defeated then it could be a strong enemy, perhaps even the new Hollow I have read the reports on."

Naruto said "I don't want to be showing favoritism by having an entire squad ready if in fact its just something simple."

Siofon said "I understand sir but let me be the other captian who accompany your group. I am a stealth expert and I am nearly as fast as you sir so..."

Tenten said "Wait, what, you mean Naruto faster then you."

Naruto glanced at Tenten and Siofon said "Naruto may actually be faster then his grandmother Yoruichi. I know hes faster then I am though."

Naruto said "Very well Siofon, I will accept you comming along but I want you to remain hidden unless I call for you. You will be our back up should the need requires but first let me warn all 3 of you about this new Hollow. I know Siofon has read the basic report on it and we are still trying to gather data but he has a colored spiral mask with one eye. In fact he looks like he would be human if it were not for the fact I saw him consume 3 minos grandes after his formed changed. Anyways I do know hes from the elemental countries because he used ninjutsu when I fought him. If you encounter him run, do not fight him, run. That goes for you as well Siofon."

Siofon was shocked by this and asked "Why. Don't you want us to stop him."

Naruto sighed and said "Siofon, with 10 of us including the vizard girl, tousen, the seated officers and myself only one of us was even able to scratch him and that was tousen with a small nick on his arm. He stood in front of me never moving that I could see for over 10 minutes with me swinging my Zanpakuto through him and I never once touched him all the while he was laughing and joking like it was a picnic. Think about it. I don't know how he did it but if we can't touch him, we can't hurt him so until we get more info on him and figure out how to stop him I am placing orders for a flee on site from him. Hopefully we can get some info on him and take him out before more like him come along or hopefully keep him attacking only hollows. As of yet he seems to be leaving shinigamis and regular souls alone."

God Of Flash By BlazeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon