Chapter - 2 cocky much

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Hey peeps important note at the end please read.

Olivia's office was on the right hand side of a Simon tree.

Nichola tapped on the door.
'Come in' fluted Olivia.

Olivia jamelia Richards Brown Brooks had outlived three husbands each of whom she had genuinely loved. At the funeral of the most recently deceased of these husbands she had informed her friends that three times a widow was enough for her any woman and since then she had devoted herself to helping people.

The Eyrie was her latest project for the benefit of indigent writers from Canada's eastern provinces ; since there were very few writers living in the area who were not indigent, Olivia was swamped with applications , and Nichola had only got in at the last minute due to cancellation.
Due also to her subject matter, Nichola smiled at the thought of her benefactor.

For Nichola wanted to write romantic fiction and, although Olivia loudly and publicly espoused the cause of the serious literary novel, there was nothing she liked better at the end of the day than to curl up with a good romance.

'After all' she had said at Nichola's interview, 'I've had three very happy marriages so they must do some good!'

Now she smiled back at Nichola. 'All settled in?'

'Well, no that's why am here.'
choosing her words with care ; Nichola went on, 'when I discovered the care taker , quite drunk, in my bed . He refuses to remove himself. So am wondering if I could stay some place else?'

A quick succession amusement, and dismay appeared across Olivia's face .
'Oh, dear,'. She said 'Let me think.'

Nichola looked away, discreetly not starting at olivia's outfit. Olivia's first husband had been a rather famous fashion designer, and ever since then she had fancy elegant clothes that are combined with diamond.

She said slowly 'All the cabins and guest rooms in the house are taken. There is only one other place, and that's a room in the attic, part of the servants quarters ......... are you sure he wouldn't move?'

'Quite sure.'

'It's very naughty of him ,' olivia said without much conviction.

'Leave your case here, Nichola, go up the three flights of stairs and turn right -- it's the only room up there that's been redecorated.'


Redecorated it might have been, but the little room was stiflingly hot and graced with only one window that had an uninspiring view of the next turret. The cabin that was rightfully Nichola's had many Windows and a view of the bay; was she going to let a bottle of whiskey and one man's rudeness immune her under the roof for the length of the summer? She went back downstairs and said, 'I much prefer the cabin.'

'Of course,' Olivia said soothingly. 'I'll go over and speak to Trent- he's normally a very reasonable man . why don't you wait here?'

Why don't you fire him ? thought Nichola, watching the retreat of olivia's military- styled khaki jumpsuit, which boasted Golden crested epaulettes and a stout canvas belt.

The she sat down for what you may call a lengthy wait .

Hey peeps
I have another book out call
From Nada To Prada.

It starts off a little shaky but it gets better on the way .

Next update tomorrow see you then and please please please with ice cream and cherry on top vote .

Love y'all



And borrow --- just kidding

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