Chapter 1 - Changes

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" Hey guys! welcome back to my channel " I smiled into the camera, waving my hand frantically.
In the two months that I've now been in Florida, I started up a YouTube channel to keep myself occupied. I've finished school, and I'm trying to enjoy it out here as much as I can, but it's difficult.
" today I'll be doing a q&a, so let's start! " I said, before picking up my phone and going to twitter.
" first question is by @annawellsfan, she asks what I miss the most about Jersey? " I say.
" Definitely my friends, Ethan, Blake, Hunter, Cameron, Ariel, Brandon, Olivia, Ariel and Grayson " I answer.
I smile at the the mention of their names, they're visiting tomorrow. I'm nervous to see Grayson though, I don't even know if he'll decide to come! The least I want is it to be awkward. I was right when I said I'd always love him, because my feelings are just as strong as before even though I left.
I answered many questions that day, before going to the group chat and messaging my friends.

( group chat messages )

Me: Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! I've missed you all so much xxx

Blake: I've missed you toooooooo



Hunter: I'm excited to see Kendall too!!

Kendall: Thanks Hunty :))))

Ethan: How you coping there then, A?

Brandon: yeah I want to know all about it when I get there tomorrow

Me: It's okay, I prefer it in Jersey though... the people in my dance are, nice? Who am I kidding, they're horrible

Gray: It's okay, when we come tomorrow it'll be great, I promise we're staying two weeks too!! Xx

Me: I can't wait, love you guys xx

( end of messages )

I turn off my phone and stare at the wall blankly. My new room is pretty cute. I have white walls with Polaroid pictures hung up on a strand of string and fairy lights. Each one is of me and my friends, and I love them all. My bed has a grey duvet, with white chevron all across.
I have my desk and MacBook here too, where I edit my videos every week.

I head downstairs, where my family are waiting in the living room for me.
" so, we've not got a room for each of your friends tomorrow girls, who's sharing? " Grandma asked, looking at me and Kendall.
" Kendall and Cameron can share " I winked, making Kendall laugh a little bit.
They decided to go long distance, and it's working out for them great.
" Okay, who else? " Aunt Macy continued.
" Brandon and hunter can share since they're brothers " I laugh.
They nod and ask again.
" Blake and Ariel " I begin.
" and? " they question.
" Ethan and Olivia " Kendall beams.
" And then I'm guessing you and Grayson? " Aunt Macy asks, even though she knows Gray and I broke up so we didn't have to go through the goodbyes...
As much as I'd love to be in his arms and be with him, I don't want to get too attached... otherwise it will be a goodbye.
" No! We broke up, remember?!? " I roll my eyes and they laugh.
" well we all know you still love him, Anna " She raises her eyebrows and I blush.
" okay it's settled, that's who's sleeping where! Now let's make dinner " Grandma claps her hands, and I head to my room.

So I guess I'll be sharing a room with Grayson, that won't be awkward at all :|


As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but think about my dad. It's been two months since he died, but I don't think I'll ever get over it...
I'll always feel guilty for leaving, and his death. Even though I've been told so many times that it wasn't my fault.
I tried to think of happy things, instantly the first thing that popped to mind was Grayson.
I couldn't help it, I love him.
I thought of the day he introduced me to his friends that are now some of my bestfriends, the day he asked me to be his girlfriend, the day that rude girl approached us while we were on our date, and so many more.

I guess when he comes tomorrow I'll have to limit myself, but let me tell you, never again am I leaving his side.

A/N- Chapter one yayyyy! I'm sorry it's a terrible first chapter, but I guess it's an opener?!? The guys all come tomorrow, and I'm super excited to write that :))

Comment what you think!! Xx

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