Chapter 2

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"Okay now just move it slightly to the left. No. No, your other left!"

"There's a wall there Stiles!"

"What? Here let me try, maybe I ca- ouch! Fuck! What the hell."

"Haha! See that's what you get."Scott laughed at his best friend at the same time Derek came running through the door.

"Stiles! What happened?" He asked grabbing Stiles by his shoulders and starts to inspect his body for any visible injuries.

"The sofa attacked my foot Derek! I don't think I can walk, maybe I should just sit down." Stiles answered while trying his best to look hurt.

Seeing that Stile is okay Derek let's go and rolls his eyes at the younger man. "Not gonna work, now go back to painting the wall."

"But I'm tired! Shouldn't we take a break? I think we should take a break. I'm starving dude." Stiles exclaims while dramatically throwing himself on the couch. "We've been working the whole day, I need to be fed. You promised to feed me." He whined.

"You've been here for an hour Stiles. And you've barely done anything." Derek tells him.

"That's because I'm a human Derek. A human! You can't seriously expect me to keep up with you werewolves."

"You're painting the wall, it doesn't take werewolf strength to paint a wall." Scott, ever the so helpful, chirps in.

"Look at this! Look! Do you see what I see? I see skin and bones but no muscle Scott!" Stiles shoves his arm right in front of his friends face.

After a couple of minutes of Stiles nonstop nagging they decide to call the rest of the pack and take a lunch break in the living room. The twins walk in covered in blue paint from head to toe pushing at each other both trying to fit through the door at the same time. A second later both wolfs are laying on the ground and Lydia is standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face before turning into something like distaste when she notices that her hands are now covered in paint. The rest of the pack walk in and they all sit around on either boxes or the floor eating the sandwiches that Scott's mom had made for them.

Derek leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes and listens to everyone around him. It's been 5 weeks since they had started to rebuild the Hale house, the first week was them taking whatever was still standing and breaking it down and getting rid of everything and now they were nearly done. Luckily the whole pack was back home on summer break from college so everyone helped even after whining about not being able to spend their summers having fun but Derek knew that they all enjoyed being together after their first year apart.

Derek feels someone laying their head down on his legs and he smiles to himself. Bathing in the warmth of his mates heat on his legs he can't keep his heart from speeding up. He knows that the other werewolves can probably hear and Erica will probably make fun of him but at the moment he doesn't really care.

Stiles and him had started their relationship right before Stiles left for college and many times he had wanted to jump into his car and drive up to stay with him even if it was only for a couple of hours. Even though they called (we can try phone sex!) and texted and even skyped after Stiles had taught him how to use it on one of the weekends he drove back to Beacon Hills (come on Derek! Who doesn't have Skype sex?) It still didn't feel like enough.

He still couldn't believe that the younger man returned his feelings. I mean sure he knew the Stiles was attracted to him but he thought that it was only physical attraction and nothing more. Apparently everyone else knew except them and if it wasn't for his packs not so subtle attempts to push them together they probably wouldn't have realized their feelings, at least not yet anyway, he liked to think that they weren't as oblivious as everybody said they were.

Even after months of going out they were still in an early stage of their relationship. With Stiles being inexperienced and Derek being closed in and still 'emotional constipated' they were going slow, very slow. Which is probably why the Sheriff hasn't shot him yet.

Opening his eyes Derek sees the Sheriff walking into the room and glaring at him before sitting down next to Peter and Chris. The Sheriff didn't exactly fully accept their relationship an even though Derek understood were he was coming from it still kinda hurt because the Sheriff was in his own way an Alpha. The Beta part in him wanted the Sheriffs approval.

Looking back down at his mate he had to fight down a laugh. Stiles was trying to stuff down a whole sandwich in his mouth and his cheeks were puffed out like a chipmunks. Before he could stop himself he poked Stiles cheek and guessing from Stiles reaction he wasn't expecting it. Stiles jumped and started choking, Derek started to pat his back while trying to conceal his laugh with a cough. After a couple second of Stiles choking on the the sandwich and everyone else laughing at him he finally settled down and glared at Derek. He was about to say something before he was interrupted by the sheriff telling everybody to go back to work except Derek.

After throwing Derek a worried and concerned look Stiles got up and walked out with everyone else. 'Crap' Derek thought 'what if the Sheriff knew that he sneaked into Stiles room last night and any other night Stiles was home. Or maybe he was going to tell him to stop seeing Stiles.' Derek only grew more nervous with every painfully long second that the Sheriff stayed quiet for.

"I wanted to talk to you alone." The sheriff finally spoke.

Derek had to clear his throat before nervously saying. "Um. Every other wolf can hear you."

"I know, but I just don't want Stiles to hear." He raised his voice towards the end probably so that the other wolves understood not to tell Stiles what he was saying.

The Sheriffs word caught up and with him and he mentally started to freak out because he knew, he just knew that there was gonna be a day when the sheriff was going to fight against his and Stiles relationship.

The Sheriff must have seen something on his face, through his plank expression he always put when he didn't want to show any emotions because he sighed and slightly shook his yet. "Don't worry kid, I'm not going to keep you from seeing my son." Derek wanted to jump up and down and break out singing like in one of the movies that Elizabeth(Eli) was alway watching before the Sheriff finished his sentence."-at least not yet anyway."

Not entirely surprised by Johns sentence it still hurt to hear those words coming from the mans mouth.

Johns words brought him back from his own head.

"But there is still something I wanted to talk to you about."

Searching the mans face Derek immediately saw that something was wrong. The Sheriff looked tired and looked as if he hadn't slept in days. He only hoped that whatever the Sheriff had to say wouldn't be something serious. Not now that everything was going so good. Now that everything was slowly falling into place and everything was finally looking up.

But really 9 out of 10, things never went the way Derek wanted them to go.


~ Poor Derek, Lets hope that nothing bad happens because that man seriously deserves some happiness in his life.

Anybody else excited for #moonday tomorrow??(3x18) I really want to know what's up with dark!Stiles. And maybe they'll finally give us some Sterek this episode.

Aaanywho until next time~

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