Rath v.s Bully

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"So here are the dorms." said Lilly.

Lilly had led Ben through the town until they had come to what apeared to be a residential area full of houses. Each house had a number on the front door as well as a slot for a key card.

"Wow!" said Ben. "To be honest, I was actually kind of expecting the dorms to be all in one building or something."

"This is an interdimesional school." said Lilly. "No way we'd fit that many students into one building. Now come on, your dorm house should be around..........here."

Lilly stopped in front of one of the houses marked #10B. "Well, what are you waiting for, go on."

"You aren't coming?"

Lilly shook her head. "I have my own life you know. I'll be back to guide you to your classes on Monday. Until then, try and get along with your roommates."


But Lilly was already walking down the street, leaving Ben by himself in front of the door to his dorm. Ben stared at the house for a moment then shrugged and swiped his key card. The door opened and Ben stepped through.

It was actually quite roomy and cozy looking. There was a fireplace and plushy looking couches everywhere. There was a kitchen with a full minibar and also what appeared to be a huge flatscreen television. "Heh, this is actually kind of nice."

Ben stepped forward onto the welcome mat. Immediately the mat turned into a boy with red hair wearing a black jacket. Ben was thrown off his feet as the boy suddenly stood up.

"Intruder alert!"The boy shouted pointing at Ben as he got up rubbing his bottom. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!"

"Jeez, what are you supposed to be? Gandalf?" Ben muttered.

A red haired girl wearing a red tan top with black flame designs ran into the room. "Carter! Stop it!!! He's the new roomy we've been hearing about!!"

Carter turned to look at the girl. "What? This guy!?..........oh."

Carter turned to look at Ben. "Ummmm......sorry about that. The rival dorm room has been robbing us a lot lately, so I've been using my shape shifting to pose as a door matt.

"Cool!" said Ben. "A shape shifter, man this place really does have everything!"

"Heh..it isn't that cool...I can only turn into inanimate objects." said Carter rubbing his head sheepishly.

The girl held out her hand. "Hi! I'm Carter's sister, Samantha....and you've already met Carter apparently."

Ben shook the girl's hand. "Nice to meet you, are you both my roommates?"

"Yep!" said Carter. "Welcome to the Green House!"

"Green house?" said Ben looking around. "But I think the walls are blue..."

"That's just our team name." said Samantha. "Every dorm house has it's own team name. It's sort of a tradition for all the dorms to be in competition with one another."

"I guess that explains why your rival dorm was being robbed." said Ben. "So what are we competing for?"

"It's not an official competition." said Carter. "It's just a little somthing the dorms started amongst each other. But I agree, there should definitely be a prize in this. So what's your name roomy?"


Carter scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm....simple, easy to remember, I like it! So what's your ability name?"

"Ability name?"

"He means the name the school uses to classify your powers." said Samantha taking out her school ID. "See?"

Ben 10, Multiverse Academy: Book 1, Aliens In Crazy LandWhere stories live. Discover now