Chapter Two: Jazz Music and Stolen Glances.

Start from the beginning

"Stop looking at me like that, you're being weird," I frown, giving him another shove. My eyebrows furrow in frustration.

I can tell my comment took Jasper by surprise. His cheeks turn a bright red, along with his ears. A blush that deep is not something I saw from Jasper often.

"Looking at you like what?" He asks, lying through his teeth.

I open my mouth to explain it, but I can't exactly pinpoint it. Maybe I was the one being weird. It's probably all the comments Matthieu has been making lately; they're getting to my head.

"Never mind, I was joking," I take my turn to completely lie. "Now it's my turn to see those dancing skills of y-" I start to change the subject, running in front of him, when an incredibly loud rumble starts to rip through the sky.

I freeze as the wind around us starts to whip around, turning my hair and dress into every direction. I clamp my hands over my ears, and stare up into the sky, confused. My ears continue to ring in my cupped hands.

Jasper appears at my side, taking me in his arms and ushering me into the safety of our favorite apple tree. He hides me behind a thick branch before he steps back out into the open feild. His shaggy blond hair whips around and he shades his eyes as he scans through the sky.

I grip the tree tightly as I continue to cover my ears. I watch Jasper, trying to get a hint of what's going on. Suddenly, he spots something that causes a flash of fear to appear on his face. He races back to me under the safety of our tree.

"What is it?" I ask, having to shout to be heard over the loud noise. I can't help but to let fear eat at the inside of my stomach.

"Nazis. A group of their planes are flying overhead," He explains, shouting as well. I watch his face carefully, trying to figure out whether I should be scared or not. His face just twists in worry and he wraps an arm around me.

"I better get back home, otherwise Mama and Papa will be worried sick," I frown, resting my head on his shoulder.

He doesn't say anything but nods his head. I wrap my arms around his waist and give him a tight hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right?" I ask, studying his face carefully. Jasper became a totally different person whenever Nazi, or German rule was brought up. He was very sensitive and I could never completely predict how he'd act.

"Of course," He nods quickly, his eyes finally looking back at me, "Be careful, please?" He practically begs.

"Sure, sure," I roll my eyes and take a step out from beneath our tree. He grabs a hold of my wrist and holds me back,

"Really Libby, I mean it. This just means there are more soldiers running around. No funny business," He speaks very seriously to me.

Usually I would get irritated that he doubted my ability to take care of myself. But I feel the sincerity surging from every muscle in his body. A smile plays on the ends of my lips and I refrain from making a smart-ass comment.

"I promise," I give his hand a tight squeeze before running away quickly, in the direction of my house.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~  * ~ * ~ * Jasper's POV * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

I watched Libby race back towards her house, her black-as-night hair floats behind her. I made sure to watch her until it became impossible. Worry doesn't leave the pit of my stomach, even though I know she's perfectly safe back home.

The Nazi planes are gone now, luckily. So I wrap up our makeshift picnic and stuff it in the hole in the bottom of the apple tree. Libby and I have many things stored in that secret little hole. We keep a small source of food, just for ourselves. As well as bathing suits, blankets, and a lantern. If the hole was any bigger, I wouldn't be surprised if the contents of our bedrooms would be emptied into it. We spend more time here than we do back at home.

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