Luke had exited the room for a moment, but came back, a smile on his face.

"The nurse says she okay to go." Luke announced, and then sent a message through the mind-link to me. 'But if there is any more problems, she needs to come back.'

I looked sadly at Layla, who sat on the hospital bed, talking to Morgan. The twins stood by Leo, and I waved my hand, motioning to all of them to follow me out of the hospital.

Layla stood up on wobbly feet, but soon regained her balance. She walked over to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's get you some cake," I smiled, leading the way out of the hospital, followed by the others. Waving goodbye to the nurses, we walked back to the truck.



I walked side by side with David, still a little dazed and confused. Apparently I had passed out from slipping on something in the Pack-House. How could I be so foolish?

David led all of us to the truck, where Morgan hopped in, Luke sitting beside her. Leo sat in the back, while David offered me a seat in the truck.

"Layla, I'll sit in the basket of the truck with the twins. You sit in here with Leo." I was kind of surprised that David offered me to sit with another guy-even though this guy was Leo.

"No, that's alright. I'll sit back there with them. Besides, I have a few questions." I smiled, almost whispering the last part. I loved children-they had the purest of hearts.

David gave me a stern look, but I was not about to submit to him. He allowed me to sit in the back with the twins-more like I made him let me sit here.

I climbed into the very back part of the truck, while the two eleven year olds, as David told me they were. They looked at each other, and I smiled a warm smile.

"Your the shifter." The girl spoke up-David had told me their names were Lilliana and Robert. My smile slowly left my face, and I was confused on how they knew this. Surely David wouldn't have told them.

"How did you-" I started, but Robert interrupted.

"We are were-horses. We used to be very close allies with your kind, along with were-cats." Robert said, and I slowly nodded my head, showing them that I understood.

Then Robert began to speak about how his herd became separated months ago, and how he had not seen his father for months, his mother much longer.

These children, though, had the scent of not only were-horse, but maybe even a little werewolf. I didn't want to scare these kids, but I needed to more about them.

"Are you guys part werewolf to?" I asked, and the twins looked at each other, confused. They shook their head, and Lilliana began to speak.

"Our father was all were-horse, and as far as I know, his mate, our mother, was human. I think we are only were-horse." Lilliana stated, but I still wasn't so sure.

But then she surprised me with saying, "But we will try anything for the Queen Pure-Shifter." They bowed their heads, and I almost fell out of the truck bed, I was so shocked.

"Oh, please, just call me Layla." I breathed. I had just gotten used to the pack mates calling me Luna. Where did they even get 'Queen' anyway.

"But you are the last Pure-Shifter. You are the queen." Lilliana prodded, but I shook my head. I didn't want to have a very high rank such as that. Luna was even too much.

"Whatever you say, Layla." Robert said, and then turned to face me.

"Now. You know how you shift into a horse? Do that, but replace it with a wolf. And get more in the truck bed." I waved them in, not wanting to let them fall out. Part of my instinct was to protect children.

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