Chapter 15- "Serena!?"

Start from the beginning


"Hello is this Mr. Brown." A man asked.. wtf?

"Yes this is he, who are you are you and were is Serena." I semi-yelled.

"This is Officer Bill, Ms. Serena Diamond has gotten into a very serious Car accident on RillGrove Road on 67th avenue, and was rushed to the hospital" He said, and I began to panick like a bitch.

"What Hospital please." I asked on the verge of tears.

"Mary Reed Grove hospital."

"Thank you." I hung up. This shit is all of my fault. If I wasn't as stupid, My baby wouldn't be in this situation.



I reached the hospital as fast as I could, I spotted the resceptionist. I was just about to ask her what room Serena was in but I heard a familiar sniffling noise to my left. I turned and saw Chyna sleeping.. of course, and Honey crying with her face in her palms.

"Chitta?" Thats her nickname I gave her.

She looked up at me. "Chris." She said than ran to me for a hug. We embraced the hug for a while until we both pulled away.

"Where is Serena. How is she

What room is she in?" I asked.

"I don't know, the docter that's treating her keeps walking by, I ask him what's happening, but he dosn't say shit." She said, getting fustrated. She then sat back down. I did also. I pulled my phone out to see that it was Four-Fourty Three in the morning, but I didnt give a fuck, I am not going to sleep until Serena wakes up. I called Wiz, Tyga, Bow, Jenni and Jamar to come here.



Its been over an hour, and the docters haven't came out yet. I am really worried. The guys finally arrived here like Thirty minutes ago. Tyga is the most worried because after the inncident from the hotel, they have became more like Brothers and Sisters. Honey is still crying, I told her what happened and she hoestly hates me. Jenni is balling, blaming me and yelling at me for causing this, I don't blame her because it is my fault. Jamar is trying to calm her down, but its definatly not working. Wiz is trying to comfort Honey who keeps saying wait till Serena gets out. She's going to 'teach Nicki a big lesson she won't forget.' Bow is trying to comfort Chyna, but no way. The girls hate me.

After about twenty minutes a doctor came out. Causing all of us to stand up.

"Family of Serena Diamond?" He asked.

"Yes." Honey, Chyna and Jenni all responded.


"How is she?" Jenni eagerly cut off the Doctor.

"Well, I am sorry to say that Ms. Serena Diamond is in a very serious and bad situation. She twisted her left ankle along with her right arm when the car had spun, lots of Glass cuts near her upper neck and forehead, the bottom of her spin cracked a little but did not exactly become out of place. Her left side ribs bent a little from the truck hitting the left side of the car. She cant breath on her own, she is using breathing support. She can hear fine, there is no problem or dought about that. She has not responded to any of our treatment, but we are trying our best to keep her here and alive. Its rare for any one thats in this condition to make it, so if she does... she is really lucky." He said, then began to walk away.

"Wait c--can w-we see h-her?" I asked.

He looked like he was going to say no. "Please?" Jenni cried.

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