Day Twenty-Five: Main Plot Lines

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25: Main twist/plot point?



The reader should wonder why the girl was arrested in the first place: was it a misunderstanding, or is the MC just a great liar?

The twist is that she’s actually involved in something pretty serious…she’s just not fully aware of it. It’ll be a theme throughout the series (this group is a magnet for trouble).  Of course, it’s also meant to be silly.


I can’t say too much, because I’m working on the last two chapters and I don’t want to give it away (spoilers aren’t fun). Basically there are multiple plot lines that’ll take place, and they’re all slightly related. Hopefully it will all make sense at the end.

There’s a jewel heist that took place 50+ years ago, and there’s a murder that took place 20ish years ago. Both cases remain unsolved, and when the cold murder case is reopened, it will cause a chain of reactions that will reveal how they’re connected.

There are other small plots that I’m weaving into the story, but the jewels and the murder are the main thing.


I’m still working on this, but I do know that there’s a war (and secret rebel groups waiting to strike). It’s a world on the brink of chaos, and it’ll be about the characters trying to figure out what to do before it’s too late.

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