Day Eight: All Other Important Characters

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8: Descriptions of all the other important characters.

To me this is a silly question, because all characters are important. And I tend to have a lot of characters, so here’s a quick list of all them:


Araceli Torre: MC. She is book-smart, not street smart. She’s reluctant to associate with her crazy family, but somehow gets dragged into trouble anyway.

Monica Torre:  MC’s cousin. She is a hot girl, who’s very adventurous. She’s the main person corrupting the poor MC.

Cesar Torre: MC’s cousin. He’s a hot-shot lawyer, forced into helping family when they’re in trouble…but not by choice and he’s not happy about it.

Manuel Riggs: MC’s arresting officer. An old cranky man just trying to retire, but arresting the MC unleashes a series of events that will post-pone his dreams.

Stanley Jones: Rigg’s Partner (see above). He will be known for being the one cop who finally found enough proof to arrest Ivan. He doesn’t like the MC, and doesn’t trust her.

Thomas Denik: Police Officer. Works with Riggs and Stanley (see above). He isn’t smart, and tends to be stuck with paperwork or other runt work.

Ivan NoLastName: Super, sexy spy. He’s been ‘working’ for years and has never been caught. Until now…thanks to the MC.

Sara NoLastName: Random Girl. Ivan (see above) dates her when he needs an alibi.

Arnold Carson: Rich, greedy man. He owns a company that is losing money, and hires Ivan to bring down the competition. Allegedly. There’s also no proof…allegedly.

Richard Roberts: Genius. His company is making money and taking over. Some people don’t like that.

The Muerte Cartel: A Mexican Drug-Dealing Gang. Apparently they’re in the US trying to expand their business. They may be working with Carson, and other rich men. Maybe.

The Aunts: MC’s aunts. They’re all loud and crazy, and make random appearances.


Olivia (Ross) Reynaldi: MC’s grandmother. She’s recently lost her marbles, and has transformed from a sophisticated and polished rich lady…into a crazy, fortune teller working in a traveling circus.

Damien Reynaldi: MC’s grandfather. He has recently died, after fighting cancer for a few years. He had a dual personality; one that he only showed certain people. He was obsessed with spies, and taught MC lots of tricks.

Teresa (Reynaldi) Montona: MC’s aunt. She is cold, serious and all business. She was recently accused of murdering her husband (from twenty years ago). The case was re-opened, and she might have done it.

Carlo Montana: MC’s uncle by marriage. He died suspiciously and his wife is now being accused of his death.

Sophie (Reynaldi) Estes: MC’s aunt. She is bubbly, peppy and a bit oblivious to the world. She just wants everyone to be happy though.

Russell Estes: MC’s uncle by marriage. He is adorable (like a teddy), and a klutz.

Elena Estes: MC’s cousin. She is gorgeous, but pretty oblivious about the world (like her mother). She isn’t stupid though, she just doesn’t care. She also just likes to help people.

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