Day Ten: Setting

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10: Describe the setting.


The MC is stuck in a police station, and that’s where half the story takes place.

As she recounts the past few days, her memories occur around her hometown though. The setting jumps from her home, neighborhood, the streets, a bus, and random stores.

The place is never specific; it’s just a typical city (I suppose that I’ve modeled the story after my own hometown a bit).

When the series continues, the location will still exist in a bubble (not specific).

Time wise, it takes place in modern time. 


The MC lives in Rosswood, a typical small town located somewhere in Northeast USA near the ocean (completely made-up).

It’s a quaint and traditional place, with a lot of Victorian architecture. There’s a town-hall and square, surrounded by small shops. The main street crosses through it all, and connects all major points in the town. Residences surround the center and start to spread out until everything is empty fields (or farms).

The rich people (Olivia’s family, for example) live in the hills, on the outskirts of the town overlooking everything.

Construction and fishing are the two major operations, and overall the entire town is pretty affluent.

The MC does travel to the nearest city in search of answers, so the place sometimes changes…but most of it will be in Rosswood.

The time period is also modern time.


The most interesting setting, the majority of the story will take place on the planet VEERAN.

It‘s a jungle planet, where the trees are over 100 ft tall. Most of the housing/towns/communities reside up in the trees in huge tree-house like structures, which are connected by ‘floating’ sidewalks and ladders.

The ladders go to the ground, where the poor and mischievous people reside.  The army ventures down only to control things, and keep things safe (they rotate groups who live down there to protect). No one else (in their right mind) would venture down.

The ground is dark and full of wild foliage, animals and evil people. It’s easy to be mauled by a wild animal, or poisoned by some plant. Also…unless you know your way around, there are no stars or anything to guide you out. There are ‘things’ hiding in the woods, just waiting.


But it’s also where the secret army likes to train, because they’ve more space and room to destroy things. So the secret army VAL has its headquarters on the ground floor for training and meetings. They hollow out the bottom of the trees for offices, dorms and other buildings needed. There’s a main headquarters, and then smaller satellite tree-camps around the planet.

So most of the story will take place on the ground floor, since the MC is not only in the secret army, but her regular army group is currently stationed there.

The MC will occasionally sneak up (if her army group wasn’t stationed there, she’d be stationed somewhere above ground and would have to sneak down for VAL training….but since she is stationed on the ground, she shouldn’t be leaving for anything).


Also, some of the story will take place in a space station that roams between the five planets of the alliance. It is where the leaders reside.

The other planets will be mentioned, but not talked about much.

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