Day Nine: Main Plot

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9: Explain the main plot.


Araceli is a good girl. Her family is crazy. She attracts crazy. She inadvertently gets involved in some bad stuff (crime related or just plain awkward). These are her adventures.


Olivia’s grandfather dies, and her family quickly starts to unravel. No longer controlled by his strict presence, their true colors start to show.

It also gives some people the courage to do things they wouldn’t do in his life…like accuse them all of murder.

As the new sheriff re-opens all cases involving her family, Olivia sets out to find the truth about who murdered her uncle.

Initially her journey starts out as pure curiosity, but she ends up finding out a lot more than she bargained for: her biological father and a crazy jewel-thief for starters.

I like to think that this case brings her closure after her grandfather’s death, as she took it the hardest. It also allows her to view her family and heritage in a new light…and maybe grows from it.


This is tricky, because I just started and don’t have things mapped out. But here goes:

The Gooman are faced with a problem, which forces them to invade five planets.

Those five planets get together to protect each-other, forming an alliance.

Someone doesn’t like the new organization and sets a plan in motion that ends up with the queen murdered and the princess, kidnapped. 

The king goes crazy, but the alliance continues.

That same person is still trying to destroy the king (and the alliance) for personal reasons. 

With a crazy king, a resistance is born. This group is born after the murder, and is a separate entity (so basically, we have two groups trying to kill the king).

There’s an impending war, and things are getting pretty tense….but only for those who know, because all this exists in secret of the majority of the population. 

Every character is up to something, and I am not sure how things will work out (I have ideas, but I’m not sure). But I do have an ending! Basically this story is inspired from my sisters, and we decided our books would end the same way…with both our MC’s meeting for the first time!

There's a sequel planned. 

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