"I can avoid him for a little bit longer," Marley said trying to pull the bedcovers over her head.

Kevin pulled the covers down leaving Marley exposed in her food stained oversized t-shirt and leggings.

"No you can't. He's going to be at the art sale which is in two days and he's going to be at your birthday party your having in three days." Veronica said to her walking to her closet to find something she can wear to Pops.

Marley decided for her birthday she's going to invite her close friends over to her house and they are going to camp out in her garden have a mini bonfire and eat junk-food.

"What kind of stain is that?" Kevin said turning to look at a yellowish reddish stain on Marley t-shirt. Marley looked down to inspect it.

"Could be mustard, Could be Jam, Could be paint." Marley shrugged not thinking much about it.

"Guys I really don't feel like going to Pop's, I have so much homework and I'm trying to save up money-" Marley said making up an excuse before she was interrupted by Veronica.

"I'll buy you food." Veronica said cutting Marley off.

"Sold." Marley said getting out of bed to slip on her shoes.

"You're not going like that." Kevin said pulled her back.

"I'm not?" Marley asked confused.
"You look like you rolled around in a pile of shit." Kevin said bluntly.

Veronica threw a blue jumper and black skinny jeans at her.

"Put these on. Some colour for once." Veronica said to her. Marley rolled her eyes and obeyed anyway because Veronica is buying her food.

After Marley slipped on the clothes Veronica picked out she slipped on her shoes and put her phone in her pocket.

"You finally look decent." Kevin said before grabbing Marley's hand and dragging her downstairs to his truck.

Kevin started the truck once everyone was in and drove to Pop Tate's.
When they arrived at Pop's Marley, Veronica and Kevin sat in a booth. Veronica and Kevin were trying to figure out what to order while Marley just sat there leaning on her arm thinking about Jughead.

"Come on, Marley. Smile." Veronica said nudging her Veronica hated seeing her friend like this.

Marley plastered on a fake smile before getting up.
"I'm going to use the bathroom." She said while she was walking off she heard Kevin speak.

"She's going to climb out the window," Kevin said to Veronica not knowing that Marley heard.

While Marley was walking to the bathroom she saw Reggie and his friends picking on a boy with an Afro. Marley frowned and walked closer.

Marley watched as Reggie mantle grabbed his notebook while laughing.

"What do you write in here? Fairytales?" Reggie said obnoxiously.

"Please can you give it back." The boy asked nicely. The Boy looked tall like he could take Reggie if he wanted to but he also looked like he wasn't the violent type.

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