"When is he gonna wake up?" The old man asked, worried at his only son.

"We're not sure about that as well. For now, let's just wait for him to wake up"  The doctor suggest.

"Oh my god what happened to him?!" His friend, Jaehyun came running from his house after he get a call from Taeyong's mom, telling that he's in a bad condition. He fasten his pace, then stand next to Taeyong's mother.

"He's fine. Thank god" His mom, moves her palms to the back of the boy, comforting him from being shock and tired at the same time.

"Can we see him?" Jaehyun's eagerly wanted to see him since he came here. That's the main purpose of why he's here isn't it?

"Yes but only one visitor at a time. Two or more in not allowed" The doctor states and then dismissed himself to continues his work.

Taeyong's mom didn't take that much time inside, all she did was stare into his son's sleeping figures and ask, "Why did he do this?" before breaking into tears.


Long days passed and Taeyong is still unconscious. His parents only visits him when they have time because both of them works but his mom is always there everyday visiting him right after she's done with her job.

Today, Jaehyun had come visiting him so his mom left giving space for them to talk even though Taeyong's still unconscious.

Jaehyun takes a full deep breath before sliding the door open, revealing a white room surrounded with comfortable beds and couch that smells exactly like ethanol. He saw him. There laid his body, clean and pale. No sounds except for the beep his heart beating from the CT scan.

"You look terrible" Is the first thing that came from his mouth looking at his best friend's untouched sleeping figure. Forcing a chuckle, he take a seat next to him while his eyes, studies him.

"I'm sorry. As a bestfriend, I can't help but look" His face shows sorrow, looking at his own bestfriend in this situation.

"You idiot, you were once my hero. Do you know that? Now you're just a jerk. If you want to be my hero again, don't die and find a way to live" Just after he said that, a voice of someone grunting softly pulls be heard, and when he looked at where that voice come from, it was Taeyong. "I was planning on sleeping quietly but your loud voice is such a distraction"

-Taeyong POV-

"Holy fucking shit you woke up for fuck's sake!" His voice filled the quiet room. I chuckled looking at him all smiley from ear to ear. God this guy. I missed his rants.

"Language dude! I never though you'll curse that much. Does the girl on the ice cream shop gets mad at you or something?" I remembered that he used to tackle this girl who works on an ice cream shop he used to go alone which he told me. But that girls a little grumpy type so he doesn't stood a chance but still he flirted.

"Oh god I missed you, you retarded seal! Don't ever think on driving into a river again or I'll kick your ass" He warned trying to be serious but then we both burst into laughter.

The doctor told me that I could take a few days rest, try to regain my sleeping muscles back and then I could go back home. Unlike others, I decided to just continue my life. As much as everyone wants me to rest, staying here much longer sickens me.

Goodbye Now || NCT Taeyong #Wattys2018 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now