Puppy & the princess

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James Pov

"That's ok James, we'll try a few more takes just make sure your hitting the high hat in syncopation not on the beat Kay?" Mr T informs me as I bite my inner cheek and flare my nostrils. This is the fifth time I've stuffed this beat up.

We run another take and of course I stuff this one up. I'm determined, I know I can get it I just need to work and practice til I can't get it wrong.

"Um you not what maybe we'll take a break.." Mr T says, it's obviously only because I keep stuffing up this solo

"No it's ok I can do it again"

"No, we'll take five" he says and walks out and I follow after mad at the fact I cannot seem to get this simple rhythm.

I walk out into the hallway and angrily Begin freestyle drumming on the floor and wall. Freestyle is the same in Dance, you just do what feels right, nothing planned it's kind of like life I guess, once you start planning and setting things to be or go a certain way it doesn't always work and therefor you have to work for it.

All of the sudden i hear footsteps. My heart begins to beat a little bit faster in hope that it's my girlfriend coming to see me and tell me I can do it and that she's proud of me, she's the only person who could cheer up right now. Her scent calming me, her touch, her warmth, her heartbeat,her lips. Her. She doesn't know what's happening and I don't even know where she is. I think she's still at dance but either way I don't know why I would expect her to come around the corner, just hope.

I was disappointed to see Theo come around the corner, he can't give me the happiness Riley can, then again, no one can but Riley. He is my friend and can put a smile on my face but I doubt he will make my anger go away straight away.

"Man what's up, you can do that beat in your sleep, tell me what's wrong"

He tells me as he takes a seat in the wall opposite me and I just shake my head and look down in shame.

"I don't know man, I'm just not in it today, I don't know what's wrong" I tell him honestly.

"Is it Riley?"

"What about Riley?" I question. Why is it that's the first thing people ask when they see me sad.

"Is everything ok between you two?" It's starting to get on my nerves, I get asked this way too often and there must be a reason, why does everyone always assume something is up with our relationship.

"Yeah we're fine. Why does everyone keep asking me that!" I shout a bit louder than intended and drop my sticks and walk back to the recording booth where I see the boys never left the same position.

"Yo James you ok bro?" Like questions but I just not and sit on the stool.

"What do you think about Riley?" I ask honestly wanted to know because if something is going on, I want to know.

"Um she's great. She's an amazing dancer....she's really pretty..um she's sweet-"

"No, your telling me what I want to hear, now tell me the truth. What do you really think" I bite my lip and take a breath in.

"Honestly. She's so fucking hot and seeing her with you makes us all jealous but the only thing is, is that she's changed you."

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