Chapter 2

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"Listen Sang, we are going to the city, okay? and, we're going to ride a car!"

Her eyes twinkled but stayed quiet while studying Owen's car in interest. She is really obedient and I don't think I'll have any problem with her, besides familiarizing her with the technologies.

I opened the passenger seat and motioned her to come in only, she didn't, instead she latched herself on me, held my shoulders for leverage and ate my hair. I sighed, carried her and then, deposited her at the seat.

I can feel the wet patch of hair that she had been chewing, I think she's treating my hair like a catnip.

I closed the door before she can even step out, she sticks her face on the window and looked at me with her enlarged, green eyes, as if silently asking me to let her out. I swear she's every little bit of a cat and she can only say a word-


that, word.

"Dr. Green? there might be an itty bitty of a problem" I can see a grimace working it's way towards her face.

"What is it?" I asked, alarmed. If Sang harms my brother, then, I'll chose them over her.

"Sang, she doesn't know how to speak" she said sheepishly.

"What?" stunned. I turn to find Sang, sleeping on the cold ground. How can she not learn how to speak?

"You see, as I said, Sang is one of the few werebeast to survive and when I took her in, she can't speak a word. So, I taught her how to speak my name but since I was a busy witch with an active lovelife, she only learned my name."

Ms. Alana explained that she talks to Sang every single day before she was killed, but she seems to only pick up words that are repeatedly said. I was sucked back to the present time when a screech almost turned me deaf. I looked in horror at a, very visible, horizontal scratch at the car's window and then at Sang's innocent expression, hiding her hands behind her back.

Please let Owen be in a good mood when I tell him what happened to his car.


"Have you guys reached Doc yet? Mr. Blackbourne's kinda pissed that Dr. Green stole his car."

I asked everyone present at the room. My adorable, little brother was scowling in the corner, tapping furiously on his phone. I snickered and Gabriel gave me a pointed look. He stood and sat next to me before looking at North.

"What did you do?" he whispered, knowing that North probably doesn't know what I did.

"Sent a picture to his current fling."

He eyed me curiously and I bit my lips to stop the laugh wanting to come out.

"What kind of picture?"

"Your picture. The one where you wore a short dress and long, blond wig and said, this one satisfies me more than you do."

He choked a laugh and cleared his throat. We looked at each other before bursting into a full, blown laugh catching the attention of everyone even the grizzly bear.


I quickly stood up before running to the exit, knowing that if I hadn't moved, North would have tackled me like bitch in heat. Gross!

"Admit it North. All she do is whine, you can barely stop your fist from flying into her face, see? I just saved you"

He sighed and sat back. He doesn't care for her, he's just getting bored that we haven't received a single mission for 2 weeks now. I slowly made my way towards Gabe's laughing ass and sat beside him again.

"It's weird guys. Dr. Green had been missing for four hours now and haven't picked up a single call or replied to my texts"

Kota's worried voice alerted us as he entered the living room, typing furiously at his phone, possibly trying to reach Doc. I checked my phone, and gasp in slow motion, he is right. Doc usually asks what we are doing since he's always busy, being a healer usually are a big deal around our area since fights always break here.

We all turned to look at the door when a stoic Mr. Blackbourne entered the door, brushing invinsible dirt from his pretty suit.

"Gentlemen, did Dr. Green gave any location as where he could be right now?"

We all shook our heads and frowned. Nathan and Silas were out today, gone for grocery.

"His phone is ringing!" Victor suddenly said and put his phone on speaker. Maybe two or three more rings were heard beforw someone finally answered.


We all looked at each other at the feminine voice, Dr. Green didn't hook up with someone right? Mr. Blackbourne's brow creased, clearly displeased.

"No, Sang, that's bad! No! Don't! Wear the seat belt, okay? No! Sit!"

Doc's getting freaky on the phone, Gabe and I snickered while the others continued to frown. Mr. Blackbourne cleared his throat catching all of our attention.

"Can you tell us where you are Sean and who you're with?"

"I'm 15 mins. away from Kota's house. I'm with... Sang! Bad!"

A loud, beep was heard before the call got disconnected. What. Just. Happened?

"Gentlemen, let us have our seats and wait for Dr. Green's arrival."

Awkward silence followed. We just stared at each other and purposely avoided Mr. Blackbourne's hard glare. Boy, is he pissed.

A tire screech startled all of us, we all jump from our seat, excluding Mr. Blackbourne who took his time in fixing his tie, and started to race towards the driveway. We arrived the same time Dr. Green came out of Mr. Blackbourne's car, he looks worn out.

"Sorry for not answering your calls. I had a bit of-"

"Bad!" Our eyes darted inside the car.

My eyes widen at the unusual appearance of Doc's girl. So... cute!

Her lips were pouting, ears tucked and canines were showing. She looks... like a cat. Dr. Sean faced the girl and tsk-ed.

"No, Sang. That's only for scolding."


A clearing of throat made us jump. Mr. Blackbourne made his way towards his Dr. Green. We all watched in anticipation at how a husband, scolds his wife for having an affair. Psh, what a storyline.

"What happened to my car, Sean?"

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