Jealous much? :3

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(Miette's POV) 

The line crackled as I heard the receiver pick up the phone at the other end. 

"H-Hello?"I stuttered into the phone, ignoring John who was noisily slurping his drink next to me. There was a pause before Druce barked: "What?" 

I flinched, chewing my lower lip even harder. "D-do you w-want to go out f-for lunch with me and-"

"No." he interrupted curtly, before I was left listening to the dead line. I heaved heavily, frowning with dissapointment.  I knew it. Druce is still mad about last night. We haven't spoken since the incident where I didn't let him kiss me after accidentally saying another man's name.

"He's not coming?" my bestfriend asked still chewing the burger, spewing food as he talked. 

"Manners John." I scolded with disgust, swiping a stray piece of lettuce bit off my dress, then sighed, looking outside of the the cafe we were in, a faraway look in my eyes. "No. He's probably still mad."

"Thats too bad. After last nights surprise training on you. You shouldn't have rejected his kiss."John complained, taking another unattractive huge bite of his burger, somehow still managing to look sexy as he did that. I mentally glared at him with jelousy. Some people just had all the luck when it came to looking sexy. 

"Anyway, thanks for shopping with me today."I thanked breaking into a smile, feeling a certain fondness as I looked at John. My bestfriend grinned back and the a few girls from a nearby booth sighed dreamily. Without warning, the grin on my best friend's face turned emotionless as he continued staring past me. 

"That guy is hot." John hissed distractedly, his eyes still glued past me. 

"Where?"I said quizically, also turning back to scan the well-oriented lovely cafe only to land my eyes on a familiar figure. My heart skipped a rough beat and I whirled back to face John, hoping i wasn't blushing as hard as I felt my cheeks were. It was Druce in his work outfit.

 "Shit! Whats he doing here?!" I cursed aloud and John raised a brow.

"You know him? Surprisingly he looks familiar. " John said casually, then looked at me sharply. "Why didn't you introduce me?"

"For Pete's sake, shut up will you?"I spat back and John quieted down, returning to chomp his half-eaten burger, noisily. 

I rolled my eyes, taking another quick glance at Druce. He seemed engrossed in a conversation with someone seated opposite him. No doubt I'd be dead meat if Druce knew I was here with a male friend. Not to mention its John. Ugh. This is soooo not my day.

"Come one, we have to get out of here." I strategized, my eyes studying the best method to escape this cafe without being seen mby my husband, my mind whirring as I calculated the path.

"What did you say?" John said dumbly when I finally refocused on him.

"I vote we'll have to pass through the main door. Working out the best time to move would be when his eyeview intersects with an object. So as to distract him and to ensure that we have a safe clear pathway as we steal out of this place with precise angle, in case we make a mistake moving through the crowd. Now, at that very moment we make a dash for it as fast as we can!" I finished proudly.

"A dash where?" a silky voice interjected and I jerked with surprise, looking up from John only to find a scowling Druce standing at our table.


"Druce honey~! I didn't see you!" I gushed, plastering a fake smile onto my face ignoring the 'what-the-hell-is-happening' look John shot me. Druce raised a brow sarcastically.

"Oh? Didn't you? Of course even if you did. You would have to deny it because you're worried that I might be jelous." Druce concluded, staring at me squarely in the face, obviously meaning John.

"Your husband?" John piped in, his eyes travelling along Druce's body in a wrong manner. I whirled sharply at John, giving the shut up look. As usual, I got ignored by my boss. 

"Hi, I'm John. Your wife's awesome boss and confidential." I watched cautiously as John held up a hand towards Druce who hesitated before sharing the handshake. A really tight, tension-filled handshake that lasted too long for  comfort. 

"We'll meet tonight. John and I are going shopping." I interrupted, desperately yanking John out the door with me. 

"We're definitely meeting up tonight." Druce muttered under his breath before heading back to his booth.  I sighed a breath of relief as i got into John's convertable. 

"Man. Can your husband shake." John moaned, as he took the driver's seat. "Not sure if I'll be able to drive you to the mall."

I watched my friend with sympathy. Druce's anger can be really harsh sometimes. 

Too bad i'm his next victim.

"Just send me to that grocery store."I said then closed my eyes letting that dread sink in. 


HEYYYY~ Here's a really FasT anD SHORT UpdAtE...Boooooo...YeAH YeAH Kimmy knows (Miette's also getting impatient :/)...HOPE I'LL HAVE MORE TIME AND 'FEEL' to uPDatE SOON!! BYE NEEES~! <3 


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