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"Cause I know I can treat you better, better than he can. Oh yeah, better than he can."

I got onto the field and looked at Jake who looked back at me.

"You guys suck so much that the cripple had to play?" He said as I just looked at him and got the ball.

I ran down dribbling it past the rest of the team. I passed it over Tobi who was opened wide. He the sent it to Manny who was in the best position for a center. We only had a couple minutes left so this is the last chance we have.

I saw the ball being sent my way as I knew what I had to do. I ran up to the ball and felt my foot as I fell to the ground in pain.

I heard my team cheering as everything slowly blacked out and the pain took over.


Josh's P.O.V.

Simon scored the ball but fell on to the ground and didn't get up. I ran over to him, I was so worried and scared of what would possibly happen to him. I ran up to him and sat down looking at him.

"Simon, Simon, come on. Wake up for me Si." I said lifting up his head putting him on my lap.

Vik started to call up 999 as everyone surrounded me just staring. All I wanted was for him to open his eyes and look at me. Maybe hold some hope that he might actually be okay. He did nothing.

"Is he breathing?" Tobi asked as I nodded staring at the boy I loved more than anyone in the world.

"I pushed him too hard Tobi, this is all my fault." I said as Tobi shook his head.

"Stop that right now, you didn't know how bad it was. You didn't know this was going to happen." He said as I shook my head.

"No, he told me it was a bad idea. But I made him feel bad and made him do this." I said as Jake crouched down next to me.

"I'm sorry Josh, we didn't realize it was that bad." Jake said wrapping his arm around me.

"Please just leave me alone. Don't act like you actually care about me or my feelings. Do whatever you want, just please leave me alone at the moment." I said as he nodded and got up and left me.


We got to the hospital and Simon was brought in to be examined. I called up his mum and dad making sure that they were here for the doctors response.

"It can't be that bad right? I mean he just had a sprained ankle. He most likely fainted from the pain and his ankle is probably broken." I said to Vik and Tobi who just nodded their heads.

"But the real question is if he will ever be able to play football again. I mean that is all we play anyway. Imagine not being able to play, ever again?" Vik said as I really thought about it all.

Simon loves football, it's one of the reasons that he fought so much through his depression. We started football Tuesdays in order to keep Simon going.

"Is he okay?" Simon's mum said as her and Mr. Minter walked in.

"We don't know yet, the doctor was waiting for you two to arrive to tell us anymore news." I said as they nodded.

"Hi, are you Mr. and Mrs. Minter?" The doctor asked slowly walking over.

"Yes, is Simon okay?" Mrs. Minter asked obviously worried.

"Can you come with me?" The Doctor asked as they walked off.

"Do you think it's bad?" I asked Vik and Tobi who just shrugged their shoulders.

I just wanted to see him, to hold him. To tell him that I will always be there for him.


Simon's P.O.V.

I woke up to be blinded by a light and to see my foot in a cast hanging from the ceiling. All I could think about was Josh at that very moment in time. I didn't care if the doctor told me that I was never going to be able to play football again, I didn't care. All I could think about, the one person on my mind was Josh.

"Simon?" I heard my mum said as she came in, smiling to see that I'm awake.

I just gave her a weak smile, almost as if I was out of breath and not able to speak. She sat down next to me, my dad following behind. She grabbed my hand and just smiled.

"How are you?" She asked as I looked at her and how big her smile is.

"I'm okay." I said using all my might to speak.

"The doctor said you probably wouldn't be up for speaking." She said laughing.

"We have something to tell you Simon." My dad said as my mum gave him a look as if to not tell me.

"I'm okay, you can tell me." I said as my mum looked at me and my dad cleared his throat.

"The doctor told us that you are most likely not going to be able to play football for a while. You messed up your foot pretty bad." He said as I nodded my head.

"You okay?" My mum asked as I nodded my head.

"Can I see Josh?" I asked as they both just smiled and laughed.

"Can you go get Josh?" My mum asked my dad as he nodded and walked off.

She just smiled and held my hand. I was happy to see her, but the one person I wanted to see was Josh.

The door slowly opened and there was Josh. His eyes were swollen red and he had tear streaks all down his cheeks. His hair was a mess from probably ruffling his fingers in them.

"I'm going to go out." My mum said as I nodded and Josh took her spot.

He just stared at me as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry, I should've never forced you upon playing-"

"Hey! You didn't force me upon anything. I did that all on my own." I said as he shook his head.

"It's my fault, you're never going to get to play again." He said looking down as I stretched out my arm and grabbed his chin.

I lifted up his chin, ensuring he was looking at me. His eyes started to swell up with tears and he was in obvious pain.

"I don't care if I'm never going to play football again, I don't care about any of that. All I care about is you. That's why I did it, all I've ever cared about was you Josh. I love you." I said as he looked at me and just smiled.

"I love you too." He said as he got up and kissed me on the lips.

It was long and passionate and I at that moment in time, I knew the fight was over and we were victorious.

A/N: so that's it, that's the end. I decided to give you guys a happy ending for this one. It just felt right and it felt wrong to have an unhappy ending.

Right now I'm writing a new lyric type book......but here's the thing, it's not minizerk.

So a couple of days ago I had read an amazing book by ChelseaXIX and it was behzerk, it kind of made me realize how much I enjoy the ship and how much I wanted to write it. So I'm sorry for any of those who wanted me to write another minizerk, you're going to have to wait. Also, I'm going to suggest you read her book because it was truly beautiful and I really enjoyed it.

So yeah, that's all, thanks for reading. Love you guys, bye!

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