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"Tell me why we're wasting all our time, on all your wasted crying, when you should be with me instead."

I got outside and started to walk down the street. It started to pour ran and the only spot that I could think to find Josh when it was raining was the park. Him and I use to love looking at the lake and all of the rain just drop on it making circles spread throughout.

I remember the last time we went was last year, that was when I really knew I was falling hard then I ever thought I would.


"Hey, get over here!" I yelled running after Josh.

"Oh yeah, you gotta catch me to get me." He said as he took off his shirt then pants.

"What are you doing? It's raining!" I yelled as he laughed.

"Having fun, you should try it some time!" He yelled jumping into the lake as I got undressed only into my boxers.

I jumped in after him as we both started to laugh hysterically. The rain kept on pour and all I could here was our laughter.

We both went silent and just stared at each other, it was an awkward silent but a comfortable silence.

"I missed this." I said, as I had just gotten out of the hospital.

"I'm sorry, I should've been there for you more often and....." he said blaming himself for my faults.

"It was no where close to your fault. Everything that happened to me was for a reason." I said as I stared into his beautiful green eyes that made me melt.

At that moment in time I knew that my feelings for Josh was more than just an infatuation, I was falling and I was falling hard.

-flashback over-

"Josh?" I said as I walked over to the dark haired boy, sitting on the pier.

"Oh, Simon." He said wiping away tears.

"Were you crying?" I asked sitting down next to him as he watched me put my foot down in pain.

"You're hurt, you should be home. Not here with me." He said looking away from me.

I grabbed his chin and moved his face towards me. I stared into his glossy, hazel green eyes. They sparkled with hope and inspiration. He was beautiful, he was an angel sent from heaven, if only he knew that.

"I'm not leaving you here, crying. I don't care if I'm hurt, the only thing I care about is you." I said as he looked at me, with those beautiful eyes.

"I shouldn't be here, especially with you-"

"Why, especially me? Because of Jake? What is he doing to you?" I asked pulling him towards me.

"I can't tell you, you wouldn't understand." He said getting up.

"Josh, your mum is worried about you. She said that Vik's mum found your shirt in the garbage, covered in blood." I said trying to get up as he stopped.

"What did you say?" He asked as I slowly stood up and he turned to look at me.

"I said that Jake had probably hurt you, did he?" I asked as he just started to shake his head in anger.

"Why do you have to ruin everything for me? I took care of you for so long and you do is make my life worst. Jake is right, I don't want to be friends with you anymore." He said walking off as I just stood there.

The rain started to pour harder, and my heart was breaking harder.


I walked back home to find my mum pacing back and forth across the room. As I got inside she just looked at me in relief and hugged me.

"What were you thinking?" She said pulling away from me as she held me.

She just stared at me, confused and worried more than ever. All I could think about was what Josh said. I felt like everything was finally falling apart, after everything.

See I never explained what happened. I never explained why I had relied on Josh or why I ever needed his help.

For about a year, I.....well, I became really depressed. My mum was constantly thinking about my brothers, and I felt neglected. I ended up trying to commit and Josh ended up finding me on the bed, foaming from the mouth.

He took me to the hospital, and it ended up me staying at a short term, then soon after going to a long term facility. I barely got to see Josh and that's when he started to become close to Jake and when I finally lost him.

"Mum, Josh doesn't want to be friends with me anymore." I said breaking down as she just held me.

He was the one thing that kept me going, now everything and everyone that I love is gone.

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