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"Just know that you don't have to do this alone. Promise I won't let you down."

Today was the big day. Today was the day that was either my last or my first day of a new beginning.

I walked downstairs and sat at the counter as my mum smiled at me. She made me some eggs and bacon, with some orange juice on the side.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as I shrugged my shoulders and started to eat.

She left me alone and started to clean the house until the doorbell rang, she want to go get it leaving me by myself. I listen to the clock as it tucked trying to calm myself down but all I could think about was how I could lose Josh. We finally got together and this could be the end of it all.

"Look who's here." My mum said as I her and Josh walked through the archway.

"Hey." He said sitting down next to me and taking a piece of bacon.

He used to always do that when we were kids. Sit down and take a piece of bacon.

I just laughed and smiled but stayed quiet. I was too scared to talk. Too scared to open my mouth in fear that I was going to puke. I had a feeling that both my mum and Josh realized that something was wrong, but I was too scared to worry about them.

"Simon, it's going to be okay. We are going to win. We've been training for so long. Those meatheads have nothing on us. We deserve to be on the football team, not them. We are going to do this. As long as we work together it will work." Josh said as I shook my head.

"Yeah, like some stupid movie or fairytale book. Josh the reality of life is that nothing works out like you hope it to." I said as Josh just looked at me shocked.

"Mrs. Minter can I have a second to talk to Simon alone?" Josh asked as my mum nodded.

"Of course." She said as walked away.

Josh turned my stool and turned his so that our knees were touching. He grabbed my hands and he held onto me

"What happened Simon? Last night you were so excited, now you just seem so down in the dumps." He said as I tried to look away but he made me look at him.

"I don't want to lose you Josh, I'm scared of the fact that I could lose you. After everything, after all of the fighting, after all of the yelling and lying, I'm scared to lose you or that this wasn't meant to be and that we aren't good to workout." I said as he smiled and lifted my chin.

"You and I, we are one of those friendships that people look at and think that they are together. I know every little fact about you and every single flaw of you. All those flaws mean nothing. You aren't going to lose me. I'll make sure of that." He said as he leaned in and kissed me.

"I'm sorry for being a wimp-"

"Stop that, you are the opposite of a wimp. You stood up to Jake and now I'm ready to fight for you as you had fought for me." He said as I smiled.


We got to the field and saw the football guys on one side and then our friend group on the other side.

We slowly walked over and I sat down next to Tobi on the bench.

"Scared?" Tobi asked as I nodded laughing it off.

"We are going to make it through this guys." Josh said as we all just looked at him like he was insane.

Everybody was in their uniforms and went onto the field.

It started with the kick off as the meatheads got the ball. Jake started to storm the ball down the field as Harry had stopped him.

Harry redirected the ball passing it to Manny. Manny ran down the field with Tobi on his left side and Cal on his right. They got closer and closer to the goal until the defense took over.

The ball was brought back into our side. Ethan ended up going for the ball but getting tackled by the other team. We didn't make any rules, so their was no red flag.

Jake went for the shot but luckily Jed was able to save it. The game kept going and no one was scoring. There was donuts all around and half the time the ball was on our side. I was just lucky that I picked out some good defense and an amazing goalie.

Out of nowhere Josh got the ball away from Jake and started to go down the field. He knew where his position was but went against it. He got closer and closer to the goal as he looked towards Tobi was was ready for the cross.

Josh kicked the ball over, but I was stopped by one of the defense. We were so close but so far.


It was now half time and the score was still zero to zero.

"At least we're not losing." Ethan said as everyone nodded their heads and drank some water.

"We need the ball on their side, not our side." I said as JJ just gave me a look.

"You don't think we've already realized this?" JJ said as I looked towards Josh who looked at me.

"Their defense is probably their strongest point and that why it keeps going on our side. They realized that our defense is good, but it's going to get weaker. They know that Vik and JJ aren't the greatest offense, so they're using that against us." Josh said as Harry laughed.

"Okay Debby downer, as much as I love hating on my life do you have any good news?" Harry said as we all nodded looking towards Josh.

"We need Harry up there instead of Vik, we need to get stronger up their and weaker back here. They are betting that we are going to plan to have a stronger defense, meaning they are going to have a weaker defense and stronger offense. If we also do the same as them, our odds are better off if we get the kick off." Josh said as we all nodded and set up our team.


The game started again but it wasn't starting off good. They ended up scoring on us, but than saving the second shot that they shot at us.

I saw Josh pointing towards Harry and composing a plan. He then called time and ran over to me, Vik following behind.

"What's going on?" I asked as they both looked at me.

"We need you to play or else we are going to lose. We can't have Harry do both defense and offense. It's just not possible to have good defense without him." Josh said as I looked at him like he was crazy.

"My ankle is sprained. If I walked on it anymore, or hit the ball it will break Josh." I said as he nodded.

"Yeah, that's what we thought." He said running back in as Vik looked at me.

"I know it will break, but if you do this, it will save you the pain of being with Jake." He said as I nodded getting up.

I slowly took off my brace wincing in pain. I heard Jake start to yell as I ran in. My foot hurt but it was bearable, this was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done.

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