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"I'll stop time for you, the second you say you'd like me to, I just want to give you the loving that you're missing."

The next day I woke up and got ready for school. I walked downstairs to find my mum in the kitchen and my dad back home for some weird reason. He was never home.

"What's going on? Why are you home dad?" I asked sitting down next to me dad as my mum smiled at me behind the counter.

"I was wondering how you were doing, after yesterday?" She asked as I nodded my head.

"I'm okay. Better than I thought I would be. I know Josh is just clouded and confused by everything. He thinks Jake is the right guy for him, I know that's not the truth." I said as my dad grabbed my shoulder and made me look at him.

"Promise me, that if Josh doesn't talk to you or he doesn't want to be your-"

"He does dad, I don't have to promise you anything!" I yelled as I got up, "I'll see you guys letter."

I grabbed my bag and walked away. I went outside and no one was there. I thought maybe, just maybe josh would be waiting for me but he wasn't.

I slowly walked down the street looking behind me to find anyone, but no one was there. Soon a car came storming down, it was Jake's car. He was speeding with Josh in the passenger seat, he just stared at me then he was gone.

I'm not letting him go. Not this time, not ever. I'm stronger and I know I would be the one he truly deserves.


I got to the school and walked up to my friends. They all looked at my foot as I nodded.

"Yeah, it's broke." I said as they all just shook their heads.

"Your foot, or your heart. Josh text Tobi, everything." JJ said as I shook my head.

"He was just having an off day, I know it will be okay. Look, there he is now." I said pointing over to him and they all just stared at me.

"Simon, this isn't a good idea." Vik said as I just shrugged him off and walked up to Josh.

"Simon, what are you doing? Did you not understand what I said?" Josh asked as I shook my head.

"We've been friends for forever, you didn't mean it, right?" I asked as the football guys started to laugh and Josh brought me away.

"Simon, I think it would be best if we weren't friends anymore-"

"Why, because of Jake?! What happened to my best friend? What happened to the guy who use to enjoy staying up all night just to play video games? What happened to the guy that saved every Tuesday night so that we could play football? What happened to the guy that actually cared about his friends, felt compassionate towards the people who have been there through everything? I was there for your parents divorce, when you had to meet your step brothers and watch your dad marry another woman. What happened to all of the memories? What happened to you Josh?" I asked as he just looked at me in shock.

He just stood there dumbfounded. He was at a lost for word. He knew it was the truth, but for some reason I knew he was going to walk away. I knew that this wouldn't change anything.

"I hope you know that I would do anything for you, stop everything just to be there for you. Whenever you come to realization, you know where I am." I said walking away, hoping he would grab my arm but he never did so.

I walked back over to the group as they all just stared at me. I started to walk to class not caring. I looked up to Jake and just stared at him. I was going to win this fight even if it's the last thing I do.

Treat You Better -minizerk AU-Where stories live. Discover now