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"And you're spending all your time, in this wrong situation. And anytime you want it to stop...."

My alarm clock stared to go off as I slowly got up. We're only half way through the week and I already feel like death.

"Simon! You're going to be late!" My mum yelled as I got out of bed.

I felt a wince of pain coming from my ankle. It hurt but I had to go to school. I don't need my mum worrying about me more than she already does.

"I'm coming." I yelled as I quickly put on some clothing.

I walked to the staircase slowly going down step by step.

"You okay?" My mum asked as I nodded my head.

"Yay, I'll see you later." I said kissing her on the cheek and going out of the house.

I walked outside and Josh was nowhere in sight. He would normally always meet up with me at my house in the morning.

I walked down my driveway and saw no one. Where was he? I slowly limped all the way to school not seeing Josh once.

"Hey, did Josh come in yet?" I asked Tobi and Harry as they both shook their heads.

"Neither has Vik." Harry said obviously worried.

"I'm really worried about Josh, do you think Vik might be with him?" I asked as they both shrugged their shoulders.

"Vik would never miss a day of school unless it was really important." Tobi said as I nodded.

"Hey!" I hear Vik's voice say as I turn around to see him and Josh.

"Oh my god, we were so worried about the two of you." Harry said hugging Vik.

I looked at Josh as he looked at me emotionless.

"Josh, get over here babe!" I hear Jake yell as Josh looked down and slowly walked over.

What happened overnight? What happened to my Josh?

"What happened?" I asked turning to Vik as he shrugged his shoulders.

"He came to my house last night crying, saying things about you and then about Jake and how he feels force. I could barely understand anything that he was saying. He slept over and this morning he just lied there looking at the ceiling. He hasn't said anything since last night." Vik said as I looked over to Josh as he gave me a longing stare.


It was later in the day and I had barely spoke to Josh. We sat far away from each other and when the bell would ring he would be the first one out of the classroom.

It was lunch time and I knew that would be the perfect time to try and talk to him, even if he was sitting with Jake. I knew that I had to talk to him. Make sure that he was okay. Something is wrong. Something is always wrong when it comes to him and Jake, but this time it seems worse than normal.

I walked into the lunch room to find Josh sitting with Jake and the whole football gang. I walked over to them and tapped on Josh's shoulder as they all just stared at me.

He looked up at me, his eyes were glistening with fear as I touched him. The small touch sent waves of fear down his spine and I could tell by the way he jumped. Something was off about him, something more than normal. I just didn't know what that something was.

"Hey, can I talk to you? I haven't seen you in a while." I said as he looked over to Jake with fear in his eyes.

Jake just gave him a death glare as he then looked back up at me, "no, I'm a little busy at the moment."

When he said that I knew that I had to do something. I couldn't just sit by and watch my best friend, the love of my life, slowly break.

"You sure, it will be quick?" I asked as he looked at me and was about to speak.

"He said no, do you not understand what that means? It means, fuck off!" Jake yelled as I stood back and Josh just sat there in fear.

"That might be your meaning of no, but I can tell Josh doesn't want to be here right now-"

"Simon stop." Josh said as I brushed him away.

"What are you doing to my best friend?! Can't you see that he's breaking?! Or are you just so caught up in your own mind set that you can't even care about the person who cares about you so much? Are you just so self centered, and egotistical that you can't see that the boy who you call your 'boyfriend' is hurt, BY YOU!" I yelled as he got up from his seat and shoved me to the ground.

My ankle sent waves of pain up my leg. My body went cold, but I still felt hot. My eyes started to get black around.

"You do not get to talk to me about how I treat my boyfriend. You do not get to call me egotistical and self-centered when I'm just trying to make things better for Josh. I don't think you understand, Josh is too nice to say this, but he doesn't want to be your friend anymore. He doesn't want to spend anymore time with you and he thinks that you're a complete waste of space. Do you now get the memo?" He said as I just sat on the ground dumbfounded and broke.

All of them got up and Josh slowly followed, holding Jakes hand. He looked at me for a sliver of a second before Jake pulled on his arm making him look away.

It can't be true, we've been friends for so long. He knows everything that I went through. He knows how hard these last few years have been and he would never say any of those things to me. There is something wrong, and I was going to find out what that something was. I'm not going to give up on him. He never gave up on me, so I'll keep fighting.

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