"I won't ask again..." He smirked. "So I suggest you take your smart mouth and eat the meat."

My tail quivered near my side and I folded my audits to my cranium. Reluctantly, I lowered my head and grabbed the liver. It wasn't that big, but the liver held a lot of protein, so I swallowed it whole.

He nodded, satisfied I did as I was told. I stood up and stretched in front of him. He blocked the entrance and tilted his head.

I looked down and pulled my ears forward towards the entrance. "Can I go outside?" I asked quietly and timidly. The den was large and all, but I wanted to be outside.

"We actually have a spot outside for you. The humans left a rope in the forest, and we will tie you up." He narrowed his eyes.

I contemplated this for a moment. There were benefits to being outside tied up, but I had more freedom in the den, but more importantly I had more chances of escaping.

"I'm not giving you a choice Sage."

"But why?" I asked indignantly. "you said it like you gave me permission.."


"so why can't I sit outside without being tied down?" I asked with a huff.

"Because I wan't you where everyone can see you." He laughed

Nodding my head, I stayed silent. I flicked my ears in slight agitation. It isn't fair, I thought. I may be weak, but i'm still varg like him. He shouldn't have the right to do this at all.

He seemed to see my feelings boil up and his smug expression told me he wanted me to feel this way. I bared my teeth at him and relaxed my tail. "Why should I listen to you?"

"Because you know what will happen if you don't."

"You're insane..." I growled at him

"Call me what you'd like sweetheart, but that's not going to get you anywhere." He chuckled coldly. "Either way, come with me. You are going to be moved outside where everyone can see you."

I raised my head, lifting my ears. My tail flicked upward but stayed at a medium height. "No." I said with as much force as I could.

"Oh?" He asked smirking. "You really have no choice."

My heart was beating fast. Standing up to the dragga goes against every ounce of my instincts. My ears fell back but my tail stayed where it was. I forced myself to look him in the eyes. I bared my teeth and growled once more.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Hun," he began. "You know you're only going to regret this." He flicked his tail and looked at me daring me to continue my rebellion. "As you wish..." He said.

He then walked closer to me as he raised his tail in dominance. My tail faltered slightly, but I remained still. He attempted to make a grab for my scruff, but I wouldn't allow it. I turned my head and nipped his muzzle. Snarling, he slammed me into the opposite den wall.

The breath was knocked out of me, but I regained my balance and stood back up, this time a bit shaky. He laughed and came towards me again. "Well it looks like you chose the hard way." He said as he knocked me over and bit down on my own muzzle. The pain caused me to lower my head in an attempt to rid myself of it. Soon I was all the way on the ground.

He let go of my muzzle and bit down on my scruff before I could react. I gave a small whine in pain as I felt a warm metallic smelling liquid run down both my snout and neck. He bit down harder as he lifted me off the ground. He took me into the light of afternoon as I blinked in an attempt to adjust my eyes.

The Life of the Siklaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें