Case File 24: Luck Be, No Green?

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"Ow!" Trent's friend cringed after a painful head-smack.

"By all the seas--this is terrible!" Mr. McDavis bursted inside, making everyone freeze in their place.

"Mr. McDavis?" Trent questioned.

"Trent, someone has stolen our supplies!"

"What!? But we were just there five minutes ago!"

"McDavis!" Another mammal bursted in.

"McDavis, our float has been stripped of its green! Its a conundrum!" 

"Wait, 'green', as in..."


They all headed to the warehouse that kept. When they got there, their eyes were seeing bare-naked floats. No green balloons, no green streamers, no green flora, nothing green of any kind.

"All these floats," Sapphire said in shock, "and not a trace of green in sight. How--what, or who could have done this?"

"We were just returning from our lunch break, when this--happened. I'm telling ya, someone was in here, cause the doors weren't unlocked before."

"That's impossible," Trent argued, "how could anyone steal every last bit of green, and not get caught?"

Just then, Sapphire's com went off.

[This is Officer Delgato calling in. Come in...]

"I read you Delgato."

[Lovell. You're not gonna believe me, but...]

"Let me guess---the city's decorations are gone."

[That...was pretty accurate. How did you--]

"I'll tell you when I get there. Just set up a perimeter until then."

[Got it.]

"Looks like this crime is getting bigger and stranger by the minute."

>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>


"Correction," Sapphire gaped, "this is way~ stranger." The whole town was stripped of their green accessories, leaving nothing but cut strings and torn up displays. All that's left was black spray paint graffitiing the buildings, and on the banner was a cross sign over the words. 

"Clearly someone hates St. Patrick's Day," Martin thought. 

"A hate crime...for this? What kind of whack job destroys a St. Patrick's Day?"

Martin showed the back side of the banner, with the words 'SCREW THIS PUKE COLORED FEST!' written in bold. Sapphire looked down at the tire tracks from behind the police tape.

"Its still fresh...the vehicle is heading out of the city." She looked beyond the streets where the tracks were leading to.

"Sapphire!" Mr. McDavis was running over, waving his arm.

"McDavis? What are you doing here?"

"I--I saw a vehicle pass by. It was making off with our decorations..."

"Where was it headed?"

"The harbor...and look..." He handed her a piece of paper. It read 'Meadowlands'.

"Should we call it in?"

"Knowing the chief, he might amp up security. Tell him Hopps and Wilde are joining us..."

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