Case File 13: The Elusive Thief Part 2

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When we last left off, the duo had some trouble. Will they solve it together, in more ways than one? 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sapphire's POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We kept hitting branches and big leaves. Soon enough, we managed to crash into a river. I grabbed Noir as we went to shore. 

"Martin. you okay?"

"Y-yeah," he stuttered, "go check on Noir." I kneeled to the black jaguar. Noir sat up with a grunt.

"Peux-tu m'entendre? (Can you hear me?)" I asked in French.

"... O-oui..." 

"Parlez-vous anglais? (Do you speak English)"

"Y... yes madam...." 

"Come on," I held him up. Martin came over and put Noir's cuffed paws around his shoulders. He carried him while I pulled out my communicator. 

"Dispatch. This is Officer Lovell. Come in..."

....Bzzt... Bzzt-Bzzt....

"Dammit," I cursed, "my communicator is jammed." Martin showed his.

"Mine too...we need to get out the rain." 

We were able to find an abandoned house just up the hill. Only plants inhabited the place. Once  inside, Martin put Noir on a chair while I was by the door.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Martin's POV>>>>>>>>>>>>

I examined Noir, and only a few cuts and bruises were there. 

"No broken bones... no serious damage, I think you'll live." I adjusted Noir's handcuffs to his  chair. 

"Sorry sir," I sat across from him.

".... I don't blame you." So far, Noir hasn't run away yet.

"You're not going to escape?" 

"I see no point..where will I go? I do not know this place as well as you do."

"Except for Mr. Clawson's businesses," I stated. Noir glanced to the window, where he saw Sapphire. 

"She saved me... why...?"

"She may be a cop, but she's fair. Different species or not, she would never let prejudice get in the way of her judgment."

"She sounds like a very honest mammal....unlike some...."

"Look, Mr. Noir...I don't see why stealing Mr. Clawson's stocks will account for what happened to your daughter. Not that I'm trying to be rude..."

"You do not know Clawson like I do. He does not treat others with curtesy. He will do anything means necessary to achieve his goals....even when friends and families are in harms way." Noir stared at me with a serious, yet sad expression. 

"But care dearly for your partner...just like her."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I sense a connection between you two," he smiled, "something that my daughter and I once had. Wouldn't you put everything on the line to save the ones you love?" 

[The ones you love...? I repeated that question many times.]

"As for the leopards, they are Clawson's 'security guards'."

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