Case File 2: Bunnyburrow Burglary Part 2

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It was 9 at night, and the Hopps farm was peace and quiet. The darkness made it impossible for anyone to see anything, which was good news to a pair of sheep. Their hooves rustled in the grass as they ran over the hill and down to the barn. Once there, one of them looked at the lock while the other was on the lookout. The sheep used some tools, and unlocked the chains. They slowly opened the doors. One of them pulled out a flashlight and shined it on the crates of carrots. The sheep pulled out his walkie-talkie.

"The coast is clear," he whispered. His other associate looking at the crates.

"Good," the voice on the other end replied.

"Do you want all of them, boss?" 

"Yes. All of them....and leave no trace behind." 

"Hey," his friend whispered, "where's Johnny? He was supposed to be here by now."

"What's going on?" 

"Nothing boss. I'll call you back," the sheep turned his device off and walked towards the crates. 

"I thought you said he would be here with the van."

"I did. I called him five minutes ago and he said he was here." 

"Oh, yeah? Well I don't see him!"


The doors shut themselves. Suddenly, lights went on and the sheep were blinded for a second. Right in front of the doors, Judy and Nick were holding the pig with handcuffs. 

"He's right here," Judy smirked. The sheep back up a little. As they turned around, Martin and Sapphire came out behind the haystacks and pointed their weapons at them.

"Don't even think about," Martin warned. Soon after they handcuffed both sheep and put all three mammals in the cruiser parked outside. Sapphire was inside checking to see if nothing was out of place. Just then, she heard noises and looked down. The sheep's walkie-talkie was right by her feet.

[ there... what's going on?] Sapphire picked it up, and then pressed the button. 

"Phil can't come right now," she joked, "do you want me to leave a message?" 

[..... Who is this?] At that moment, Martin came in and saw Sapphire. 

[Who are you?] the voice called. Sapphire gave the device to Martin. 

"I assume you're the brains behind the operation?" he asked. 

".... And I assume you jokers are cops," the voice retorted.

"You got that right.... and we know who you are."

"Yeah right...."

"Oh, come on....a brown hare," Sapphire implied, "with blue eyes and a country accent from what I'm hearing. So wherever you are, we will find you."

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