A sadistic smile.

Shouldn't have took her from me. This is all her fault.

She tried to talk, her eyes begging me. "Don't worry Cynthiana. I'll take care of her. That's all I ever wanted but you took her from me, and now you're going to pay for it." Kissing her forehead, I saw a tear trickle down her face.

Getting back in the car, putting it in reverse, I backed it up over her again, putting it back in drive, I ran over her a final time before speeding off down the road.

I saw her grieved that woman, I watched her cried. I wanted to help, I wanted to comfort her but I couldn't. Not yet.

But soon.

Taking a drink of gin, I let the memory wash over me. A content smile on my face.

Now here we are; she is. Her home; where she belongs.

I gave them back, some of them at least. I gave back her dolls with little notes, I hope she likes them. She used to love them before.

I would go to her house when she wasn't home and leave them on the porch when I know that she'd be home, and I then I would wait til she's back from work, watching from the distance.

So close but still so far away.

I wouldn't be watching from the shadows for long, oh no. I'll be seeing her soon, real soon my dear Isabelle.



My house and the library had an overpowering aroma of flowers. Everyday a new bouquet of flowers was delivered at the library with a card attached to it with a different word on it.

It was the end of the week and here I was, sitting on my couch in my living room looking at the vase of abundant bloom that's on the coffee table in front of me. Also, the cards that came with each bunch of flowers we're lined up in front of the flower in a near row.

Looking at the cards now, it made sense: 'Can't wait to see you'.

I had a hunch what the flowers are about. After I got the last one today, everything clicked.

My heart started going wild in my chest, a gush of wind danced around me brushing my hair against my cheek. That same feeling I felt whenever he was near, it felt like someone punched me in the gut, my hands get clammy with sweat, a smile on my lips as I brush my fingers across the petals.

He was coming.

I swallowed the ball of emotions in my throat.

I don't know how to feel; dread, excitement, nervousness, was a few if the things that crawled into my stomach.

"You do know that they're from him right?" Aaliyah asked from beside me. She decided that we should have a girls night tonight. When I told her about the packages being left at my door, she wanted to see them and she didn't like the idea of me staying alone when I don't really know anybody in town beside her, Bradley and Mary; and they lived far away from me.

Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia Story (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now