Chapter Thirty-Eight: Resistance

Start from the beginning

Disbelief shrouded my expression as his words reeled through my mind.

I thought back to her last visit, her insistence on me producing an heir, and her constant paranoia of someone else, not of Devereux blood, sitting on the throne.

Annesley was nothing more than a hyena to her.

It all made sense. A repulsive amount of sense.

His voice broke my thoughts, "Now do you understand why it is so difficult for me to call her grandmother?"

He inched closer to wipe the tears that rolled down my cheeks. They were a product of shock more than sorrow. He lightly planted his soft lips onto mine; giving me a sense of comfort and warmth in the reality of the cold world I had willingly stepped into.

"Ash, please be careful." I murmured.

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around me, "There's not a chance that I'd leave you, even at death's calling. I've proved that once before, have I not?"

There was truth to his statement.

I received the next day with a heavy heart, apprehensive of the chaos that would ensue from the noble families. Several messages were sent throughout the night, all notice of similar warnings regarding the stubborn patriarchs who would visit Ash in protest today.

We had nothing to do but wait for their rude arrival, although we did not have to wait for long as the raucous group rolled in soon after breakfast hours, dressed in their best velvets and furs nonetheless, as if to taunt the crown with their exuberant wealth. As I tried to follow Ash into the meeting room, he stopped me.

"Ev, please understand why I don't want you in there with me. If they have any hatred, I only want myself to be the target. I can't put you through such risk."

I desperately tried to protest, but he would have none of it. As a compromise, I silently stood by the door, which was creaked ever so slightly open. I nodded at the guards flanking either side as they acknowledged my presence.

I listened as the introductions followed Ash's entrance. Of course, Mr. Hansbury was amongst the men, as well as all the men who were part of the council meeting held recently.

And so began their protests.

"I request that the Parity Clause henceforth be repealed." Mr. Hansbury's booming voice cried.

"This is the last time that I will repeat myself. Any resistance to the Parity Clause will be treated as treason. If you continue to argue with me, I will have you arrested." Ash's steely voice shot back.

There was a short pause.

"Forgive me for my choice of words, Your Majesty, but if that were the case, I am afraid you would have had to arrest your late father as well." Hansbury pressed.

This time, the pause was longer.

"Explain yourself, if you consider that tongue of yours worthy of keeping."

I heard a low chuckle, "Oh bless your soul, were you not aware of the special accounts kept by your father?"

I heard a slap against the table, most likely from Ash, and his voice followed, "My patience is tiring, Hansbury."

His formerly mocking tone changed into one of haste, "We are not the only bad men here, Your Majesty. Your father, in fact, was involved in the forgery of many of the records you had tirelessly proofed. Your father kept a personal fund of his own, in exchange for lenience when it came to us paying our dues."

My eyes widened with shock at his bold statement. They had to be—

"Lies!" Ash spat, "You fool, do you know what kind of punishment awaits those who slander the Crown?"

"I swear to God, I speak nothing but the truth and have an entire room full of witnesses to uphold my statement."

Concurrent agreement rang throughout the room, which only seemed to put Ash even more at unease.

"I will make all of you regret your words." I heard him object through clenched teeth.

"I wouldn't make such a bold statement without consulting the truth first. Have you ever looked through your father's personal accounts?" Hansbury shot back.

I heard a chair being forcefully pushed back as it screeched against the floor. There were hurried footsteps, and soon the door was swung open and out stepped Ash. Without even sparing me a glance, he rushed in the direction of his late father's study. I requested the guards to dismiss the guests, as we had eyes on them anyway.

I wanted to spare them from Ash's imminent wrath.

After all, King Gavin would never misappropriate public funds in such a manner, especially not for personal use.

Surviving His Royal Highnass, Prince AshtonWhere stories live. Discover now