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Jisoo and Joohyuk both steal glances at Baekhyun, trying to check if something has changed about him. Sung Kyung, Joohyuk's girlfriend decided to join in the fun since she is also interested in figuring out if the mysterious Byun Baekhyun finally decided to take on the road of love.

The three of them watch Baekhyun eat his sandwich but when he was about to look up the three goof balls quickly turn to their food, eating it.

Baekhyun softly smiles, "I didn't expect Sung Kyung to be the girlfriend of Joohyuk, it's cool to look at." Baekhyun compliments, making Joohyuk chuckle while Sung Kyung blushes. "I did choose the right man." Sung Kyung says, stealing a glance at Joohyuk.

Baekhyun's expression then turns expressionless, looking at the two lovebirds. He rolls his eyes and returns his focus to his sandwich.

While Joohyuk and Sung Kyung stare at each other, Jisoo focuses on Baekhyun. Jisoo looks at how Baekhyun puts his sandwich down, grabbing something from his pocket, assuming it's his phone. Jisoo then raises a brow but then Baekhyun stands up. "I'll go now, thanks for the treat." Baekhyun waves goodbye before running out of the cafe.


Baekhyun received a text from his favorite stranger, asking if they could meet up at an unfamiliar place but he's thankful that Chanyeol also gave him the address in the text that he sent him.

He doesn't know why he immediately reacted when it was Chanyeol that messaged him, it became a regular thing for him to see him everyday and to hear his voice everyday. He really doesn't know why.

Baekhyun starts his journey to this place, starting off by riding the bus.


After a few solid minutes, he finally arrived at the destination. He looks at the sign of the place and smiles widely. He was given the address to an arcade, one of the places he loves the most. It's a place that makes him happy during the times that he's sad and down.

While staring at the arcade sign, long and lanky arms wrap around his figure making the brunette jump in surprise.

"Hey, Baek." Chanyeol says, turning Baekhyun around making the brunette face him. "It's been a day and I miss you already." Chanyeol says with a soft voice, pulling Baekhyun into his arms once again, the brunette fitting perfectly in his arms.

Baekhyun chuckles, resting his head on Chanyeol's chest his arms slowly making it's way to Chanyeol's waist.

"For some weird reason, Mr. Stranger. I missed you too." Baekhyun mutters into Chanyeol's chest, making Chanyeol's heart go crazy.

Chanyeol pulls away, "Let's go and play!" Chanyeol says with a wide smile and a loud voice, grabbing Baekhyun's hand and dragging him inside the arcade.


Baekhyun has his game face on, smashing the buttons while he puts too much force on the joystick. Chanyeol just plays, purposely failing at the game so that Baekhyun can win since he can really see how focused and determined this cute pup is.

Baekhyun rejoices when he wins for the nth time, sticking his tongue out and pointing at Chanyeol. "I won again, stranger! I'm really the best!" Baekhyun boasts laughing at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol just smiles at Baekhyun, loving the smile on Baekhyun and knowing that he's the reason to that beautiful smile.

"Congratulations! Now win me a toy." CHanyeol challenges the brunette making Baekhyun stay quiet for a bit. 

"Those claw thingys?" Baekhyun asks making Chanyeol nod. Putting the same game face on, the brunette accepts the challenge. "Okay!"


Chanyeol snickers at the back while watching Baekhyun fail, it's amusing for the giant while for the brunette, it's starting to get annoying.

"Argh! I give up. Stranger, you do it." Baekhyun says, stepping aside and giving space for Chanyeol.

Chanyeol smirks and steps in, stretching his arms and fingers. He puts his left hand on the joystick and his right hand on the button.

Chanyeol then focuses on the brown puppy stuffed toy since it looks so much like Baekhyun in his opinion. And in a swift move he successfully got the stuffed toy.

He claims it from the small claiming section and gives it to Baekhyun. "Here, it's for you. It looks like you because it's cute and you're cute and let's say that it's the big brother of the keychain I gave you." Chanyeol says, smiling at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun blushes a bit, getting the stuffed toy from Chanyeol, his heart beating rapidly.

What is this weird feeling? Baekhyun asks to himself but he finds himself letting himself go in Chanyeol's presence whenever he is with the stranger.

"Come on, let's go and play other games!" Chanyeol says, running towards a car game. Baekhyun turns around and looks at Chanyeol, he hugs the stuffed toy close to his chest, softly smiling at the thought of the giant stranger.


HIIIIIIIIIIIII! I updated y'all.

Thank you all for your support my dear precious human beans! 

Vote, comment, and enjoy!

I love you~ 


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