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"I'll see you tomorrow, Baek." Chanyeol says in a gentle voice, standing before Baekhyun. Baekhyun looks up at Chanyeol and smiles, wrapping his arms around Chanyeol's waist.

"I'll see you tomorrow, stranger." Baekhyun says, not even sure what his body is doing. But Chanyeol feels different, he feels like the luckiest man in the entire world. To have his crush hug him and it makes him feel butterflies in his stomach. Before Chanyeol could even wrap his long and lanky arms around Baekhyun, the said latter pulls away with a red blush.

"Bye." Baekhyun says, sharply turning around to quickly leave the venue.

Chanyeol smiles widely, touching his waist since the brunette's touch and warmth still lingers.


Baekhyun gulps, his jaw dropping after that. From Chanyeol straight-haired guy, it seems like he got his hair curled or something.

And it makes Baekhyun feel weird. "Stranger! What happened to your hair?" Baekhyun asks Chanyeol, receiving a small snicker from the taller male. "I got it curled, why? Do  I look better with this type of hair?" Chanyeol asks, laughing a bit.

Baekhyun was about to say yes but he shakes his head, showing a no. "You look the same, and look. You got a cute belly." Baekhyun says, poking Chanyeol's belly that is a bit fat.

Chanyeol smiles a bit, his dimple showing."So I'm not cute all over?" Chanyeol asks receiving a slap from Baekhyun. "Okay okay, I know. I'm fat and all."

"Are we going to eat together, stranger?" Baekhyun asks with hopeful eyes and honestly he doesn't know why he's like this.

"Sadly, no. I just came here to give you your lunch. Think of me as your personal food delivery boy, and guess what. It's all for free." Chanyeol says with enthusiasm in his voice. Baekhyun smiles, "So that explains the plastic bag beside you." Baekhyun mutters, swooping down to grab the plastic bag.

"Thank you stranger, I'll make sure to enjoy this." Baekhyun bows politely in front of Chanyeol, showing his thanks.

Chanyeol nods, "Eat well." Chanyeol says, ruffling Baekhyun's soft hair before he leaves.


"What is love for you?"

"I think the word "love" is a heavy word. Cause when you say you love someone, it means you will be responsible for her in like marriage, so love for me is profound."

Chanyeol nods in satisfaction, taking notes down. He was about to ask another question but he sees something weird. The boom mic is slowly falling down. He turns to look at Jae and he sees a snoring Jae.

Chanyeol slaps the head of Jae causing the younger male to wake up. "Yah, wake up. We're almost done here anyways." Chanyeol scolds Jae in a whisper.

Jae just rubs his head, nodding. He adjusts the boom mic and stares at the wall.

"Are you currently in a relationship?"


"Alrighty then, thank you!"

The interviewee stands up and bows, leaving right away. Chanyeol stands up and stops recording. He grabs the camera and shoves it inside his bag. While Jae over here fixes all the other equipment.

"Why did you fall asleep?" Chanyeol asks in a monotone voice, not even bothering to look at Jae.

"I had some reports to do last night at the dorm. So I didn't have much time to sleep." Jae mutters since he doesn't really want to talk. 

Chanyeol just sighs, grabbing his wallet and getting some money. He places it on the table in front of Jae. "Here you go, eat a delicious meal. I'll go out and sort some things." Chanyeol smiles at Jae, "Sorry about hitting you earlier too."

Jae smiles at Chanyeol, "Thank you hyung. Go and have fun doing whatever you have to do." Jae waves goodbye at his hyung is already out the door.


"Baekkie! Let's have a group study with Joohyuk, please~" Jisoo says, holding onto Baekhyun's arm for dear life. Baekhyun chews on his food, rolling his eyes. "No, I still have one more report to do later tonight and I have to pass it tomorrow." Baekhyun says, too busy with eating the food that Chanyeol prepared for him.

Jisoo pulls away and stands up, glaring at Baekhyun. "Fine, don't come looking for us if you need help!" Jisoo turns around and stomps his way out of their shared dorm room.

Baekhyun just laughs and ignores the loud slam of the door, his focus returning back to the food.



I have something to promote about here, hehe. If you guys have facebook, please like and support the page 'Chanbaek Baekyeol'! I'm an admin there so please support that page and support all the other admins.

Thank you for all your support!

Vote, comment, and enjoy!

I love you all -3-


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