He made a face.

"Sorry about that"

"No worries" I told him.

"So what were you working on?"

"Reading response" I replied.

He nodded slowly and I smiled as his phone started ringing.

"You should get that" I said as he made a face and turned around to look out the window.

"I'd rather not"

"Is someone supposed to keep an eye on you?" I asked.


He looked at me and I glanced down at his iPhone.

"There's a chance who ever is looking for you is tracking your phone" I mentioned.

There was a light knock on the window and I watched as he smiled at the two guys who were shaking his head at him from the other side.

"Busted" I said as they made their way inside.

I reached for my latte and took a sip.


I moved my backpack from the table as they sat across from us.

"Who's your pretty friend Will?"

"I'm Mariana" I said stretching out my hand.

They both glanced at William whose face was completely flushed as he nodded.

"It's nice to meet the people William is hiding from" I told them.

They both grinned and one of them shook my hand.

"I like her"

He looked at me.

"I'm Kasperi by the way"

"Nice to meet you" I replied.

I looked at the other guy who smiled as he shook my hand.

"I'm Viktor, his roommate"

I hummed and glanced at William.

"I take it both of you are his teammates?" I asked.

They both nodded.

"So did he puke on you? He refuses to tell us"

William groaned next to me.

"That's confidential" I said looking at Kasperi who grinned.

I took a sip of my latte and glanced down at my iPad when I noticed a notification on the top right corner of the screen. My dad was asking me if we were still going to facetime tonight. I tapped on the notification and sent him two thumbs up along with a kissy face.

"I should probably get going" I began saying.

"What, why?"

I looked at William who blushed as his teammates snickered.

"I've got to tutor someone in about an hour, and I should eat something before that" I answered.

He nodded slowly.

"We were actually on our way to the grocery store when Willy here ran away"

I smiled as William looked at me.

"I'm fine, I don't need a babysitter"

Viktor reached for William's cup and took a sip of it.

"You know you're not allowed to have sugar or caffeine"

William rolled his eyes.

"You're going to get a headache from rolling your eyes so much" I stated.

He turned to look at me.

"They've only been home for 2 days and I've had Swedish meatballs at least 7 times"

I smiled as I closed my iPad.

"I'm sorry I didn't make you soup or fancy food"

"Soup is like the easiest thing to make" I butted in.

Viktor looked at me.

"But that's because you're a girl"

I raised an eyebrow.

"What he means is that your mom probably taught you how to cook"

Nice save from Kasperi.

"My mom can't cook, she can't even boil an egg" I informed him.

"Well where did you learn how to cook?"

"There's a thing called a recipe book, and the Internet" I said.

I put my stuff away in my backpack.

"What time are you supposed to meet up with the person you tutor?"

"In an hour and a half" I replied.

"We could drop you off on campus"

I smiled.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Kasperi smiled.

"Just help us cook something Willy won't hate eating"

I looked at William and he shook his head.

"You don't need to do that"

"I don't mind" I admitted.

Kasperi and Viktor stood up.

"Alright, let's go"

I zipped up my backpack and reached for my jacket.

"You don't really have to do this"

I looked at William.

"I don't mind; your pots and pans are to die for. How do you not use them more often?" I asked.

"That's cause Will can't cook"

William smiled.

"You never let me cook"

Viktor snorted.

"That's cause you'd burn the place down, remember I live with you. If you don't have a home, neither do I"

A/N: Just as I promised, another update. Time to shower and watch Flash.

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