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She was wearing denim shorts and a shirt with a big frog on it.

"Why do you wear that?" Her mom asked her one day. Heidi gave her a look and she said "I'm just asking. You know I don't like frogs." Heidi took a bite of bagel and replied saying "Because frog's are actually endangered and so if I wear this more people will ask me why I'm wearing it and I'll explain to more people that frog's are endangered". Her mom looked at her in awe. Heidi swallowed her bagel and left the kitchen trying to hide a smile. Her mom never understood her, but she didn't really mind. She liked being hard to understand. 

Heidi was getting tired of staring at the ceiling. She got up and looked in the mirror. Her long dirty blonde hair was in a ponytail and she had blue eyes. She was the only one in the family with blue eyes. She cocked her head and analyzed herself some more. She had a long neck and a diamond shaped face. Her nose was small and her eyebrows thick. A lot of people told her she looked older than she was, but she didn't see it. She looked 15, only when she wore something like a long dress did she look older. Her phone buzzed and she furrowed her eyebrows.  All of her close friends left for some kind of vactaion with their family. 

12:00 p.m 

To: Heidi 

From: Luke

Hey. Are you busy? 

Luke. Luke was texting her. Luke as in the one in most of Heidi's classes and Luke as in the one that doesn't communicate with her very much. They were friends but it was more like in class friends. Exchanged a hello here and there, laughed at eachothers jokes in class. She replied curiously.

                                                  12:05 p.m

                                                  To: Luke

                                                   From: Heidi

                                                 Hey :). No. Why do you ask? 

12:06 p.m

To: Heidi

From: Luke

Oh well I wanted to know if you could

come over. I mean I just dont have

anyone else I can call. I know we dont

talk but I'm just not okay right now.

Birds were chirping otuside Heidi's window and the sunlight was beginning to get in her eyes. She didn't close the curtains though. She ignored it and inhaled sharply when she read Luke's message. She wasn't doing anything and couldn't just say no. What did he mean by not okay? Heidi worried. As quickly as possible she grabbed her book bag getting ready to leave and replied. 

                                                      12:07 p.m

                                                       To: Luke

                                                       From: Heidi

                                                     I'm on my way. 

                                                      12:07 p.m 

                                                       To: Luke

                                                       From: Heidi

                                                     Wait...where do you live??

She cringed as she sent the last message, of course that should have been the first thing on her mind. He's probably going to change his mind about her coming over. She slung the book bag over her shoulder and went out of her room. As she was going down the stairs she got another text from Luke.

12:08 p.m

To: Heidi

From: Luke

haha,  :p the apartment

across from the school.

Apartment #604

My last name is Miles

you'll see my buzzer number

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