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Heidi Phillips was home alone, and she was glad. Her family of two brothers, and a younger sister made it hard for her to relax sometimes. Luckily her parents had gotten tickets to a baseball game and of course knowing Heidi's dislike of baseball, they let her stay home. 

Why would anyone want to go anywhere with this heat? She thought. 

She was more of a volleyball kind of girl anyways. She didn't mind soccer either but baseball was where she drew the line. 

"Something about hitting a ball with a piece of wood or metal and running away doesn't seem appealing to me." she once said to her dad. He had been trying to teach everyone how to play proper baseball and everyone except Heidi listened. 

"Dad!" She had yelled one day when she lost her temper at him. "I'm sorry you're not proud of my baseball skills but you have to live with it and be proud of all of the other skills that I have! I'm 15 and I'm telling you now that baseball is not my life. Maybe it's Leah's, maybe its Parker's, maybe it's Jack's but it is not mine. Don't keep trying to make it mine." 

Leah was 8. She had blonde hair that reached her chin and hazel eyes. She was completely obsessed with lions (Thanks to Lion King) and loved to annoy Heidi by waking her up in the morning and jumping on her bed screaming "HAKUNA MATATA, it means no worries!" Of course that would only result in Heidi screaming, "OH DOES IT NOW? Lions are dangerous you know?" and tickling her until she was almost crying. Then Leah would reply with a shriek "No! They are not! Lions are the nicest animals in the world!" After about five minutes Heidi would trick Leah into getting  out and close her door putting a chair against it. 

In conclusion, most of the time Heidi thought her sister was the most annoying person in the world.

Parker was not the same kind of annoying as Leah. On a scale of one to ten, who's more annoying? Leah would be 9.5/10 and Parker would be a solid 8. He had blonde hair like Leah but with green eyes and he spent a lot of his time with his girlfriend. But that was a secret. Parker didn't know that Heidi knew about it, she was keeping it to herself. She only saw him with her a couple times, once by the football field and once outside of their house. He had snuck out to see her and she had probably cancelled their date because a couple minutes after that he snuck back in. Heidi also observed that he never let anyone answer his calls, and he always went into another room when he was texting or calling. She couldn't understand why he didn't want to say anything about it. Maybe in a week or two he'll let everyone know. She didn't really know why she wasn't saying anything, maybe she was keeping it for when she got really mad at him. When his teasing crosses the boundary. 

Last but not least, there was Jack. Jack was 20 and he had brown hair with hazel green eyes. He moved out last month so he wouldn't have to travel so far to get to University. Heidi thinks it was also because he needed something new. Something different. She doesn't blame him though, life can get repetitive after a certain amount of time. Jack moving out was really hard on her mom but to Heidi it wasn't that bad. That doesn't mean that she didn't miss him at all but she knew she'd be seeing him soon. He was coming home in two weeks, the last week of summer. She didn't really miss people unless she knew it was the last time she'd be seeing them. 

So, as Heidi Phillips spent some time to relax by spinning slowly on her chair and staring at her yellow ceiling as she usually does, destiny made a move. 

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