When Gabby got suspended

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                          A few days later I was released from the hospital. I was grateful that i was let out and live my life, BUT I was also scared. Gabby said she was gonna beat up savanna. I was so scared that she would REALLY mess up. I couldn't stop her. She had all ready said I couldn't stop her, so anyways I had to go to school. I had to do the normal. I got my breakfast and headed out the door. I walked with gabby to school. I tried to convenes her not to get in the fight. She didn't listen. She'd always use the same response on me. "Emily her dad almost killed you. I have to get revenge!" I just gave up, after like 5 minutes a trying. When we got to school Gabby went to savanna's locker and slipped a little note saying. "Meet me after school. I need to have a word with you." I saw savanna read it looking confused. She threw it away and just walked to her next class. God there's one more thing I came up with that I was PETRIFIED of. A few days later I cut and was hurt, Savanna made up with me. We were friends. I knew I REALLY messed up by telling them now. She'll never be my friend again. Sadly I had to push it to the side and finish the day. 

                          *Were going back in time because this time skip is brought to you my LAZINESS*

                              It was the end of the day and I was nervous as hell! It had gotten around about the note and how savanna was going to see what was going on. The whole 7th grade was gonna see it too!Gabby was doomed. I had walked down to where they were meeting. I squeezed my way to the front of the crowd to see Gabby and Savanna standing there face to face. "So you decided to show up. Good I need to have a word with you." You could see the anger in her eyes. She threw a punch at savanna, and other, and other until someone pulled her off. It wasn't me but it was the principle. He dragged her off and told her to go home, and not come back for the rest of the week. Everyone waked home. While walking home ;with gabby we talked. She said she was proud and not to text her for the rest of the week. She was gonna get her phone taken away, so I made it home and instantly went to my room and got my phone. I needed to text Savanna.

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