7. A Beautiful Raven In Exoskeleton Suit

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"I also have some questions for you too." Lana suddenly spoke out.

We've been walking side-by-side for a while in silence that it actually surprised me.

"Uh... sure. Ask away." I answered.

"Thank you. First of all, who are you? What's your name?"

"Easy question. My name is....." wait, what's my name? I can't believe I forgot what my name is. "It's... uh...."

Think, damnit. What's my name? It's a name in Japanese. That's right, Japan. I lived there. What's more?

I think it has something to do with crows or ravens. I remember my mom telling me that when she was pregnant with me, our house get visited by flocks of crows everyday.

It's definitely a feminine name. Something to do with beauty and elegance.

I racked my brain trying to recall my memory from a lifetime ago. How can I forget such important thing, yet still remember the tiny details like my magic tricks or my younger sister when she was ill. Come on, brain! Remember.

I furrowed my forehead, put my hand on my chin and pulled my lips upward, forming the letter へ.

A single word suddenly emerged from my sea of memories. An old word, reeking in familiarity and nostalgia.

Reika (麗鴉).

That's right. It's literally beautiful (麗 pronounced Rei) raven (鴉 pronounced Ka).

"It's.... Reika. I think." I know it's true, but I'm not so sure.

"Reika. That's a pretty name. Is it foreign? I've never heard it before."

"Yeah... yeah. It's not from around here." It's not from this world, to be precise.

"Just Reika? No surname?"

"... no. I.. I can't remember." I can somehow just barely recall what my name is, but nothing regarding my surname came up.

"Well, that's common for people without noble blood. Don't worry." She said with a smile. Is she trying to comfort me? I guess she must've seen my expression when I was trying to recall my name.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Next question?" Lana asked me while bending her body to match my height and putting on upturned eyes.

"Ask away."

"Well.. if you don't mind me asking. Why do you wear a blindfold?"

"Why I wear a blindfold? It's to..." I almost said that I wear it to hide my lack of eyes, but what if she started calling me monster after I told her that? I'm so close to having a proper meal after so long. A little secret wouldn't hurt.

"I have a congenital disease. I was born blind, and I decided to put a blindfold over my eyes so people don't get disturbed by seeing them." I lied.

"But you can still see?"

"Well, I've picked up a couple of tricks. You would too if this is how you've lived all your life." I put even more lies on top of lies.

"Impressive. You know, there is an old tale about a blind sage. It is said that he used a peculiar Sorcery to see. Are you using something similar?"

"No, I told you. I don't know how to use magic." My tongue slipped and I'm digging my own grave deeper and deeper with every lie. So deep, I'm afraid we'll hit an oil well at this rate.

Lana went silent for a second.

"So... you're not using magic, but still can see." I knew it. My lies are busted faster than I thought.

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