2. A Flawed Perfect Body

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After the feast incident, I've spent what felt like weeks traveling around the places and hunting clouds. Of course, I can't see. It's kinda pointless that I'm traveling at all. Well, At least I get to taste some more delicious clouds.

The sound of rushing water, reminiscence of my childhood back in the countryside, fills my surrounding. I was suddenly drowning in nostalgia.

How's my family? I really did die, right? Did they found my corpse? I lived alone in my apartment after all, and I rarely talk to my neighbor.

I left home for the big city to study in one of the most prestigious university in the country. After graduating, it was just a matter of where and what I wanted to work. Being the lazy bum that I am, I choose the easy road, stayed in the city and just took the first job offer that came flying to me as a manager in some office building. The pay is enough to comfortably live alone and I'm quite content with what I had.

What about my love life, you ask? It's non-existent. I just don't see the point in having a lover. Yeah, they care for you and can provide emotional support, but I already got my therapist for that. Additionally, I just don't want somebody else living in my home. It's called MY home for a reason. Mine, nobody's else.

Wait. I think I'm missing something crucial here. Rushing water? Did I just heard sounds?

I did! I have ears now!

A blinding light abruptly interrupted my celebration.

"Gyaaaaaaah!" I screeched at the top of my lungs at the sudden flooding stimulation. It feels like my head is being both hammered AND drilled from the inside. I grind my teeth trying to suppress the pain.

"Turn it off! Turn it off!" I put my hands to my eyes to no avail as the light unsympathetically burn right into my brain.

I keep rolling around, still putting my palm to where my eyes are until the pain finally subsided and my mind adjusted. I can see now.

What greeted my was a serene image pulled straight out from a painting. I seems to be sitting on the bank of a clear flowing river. Fishes are swimming merrily in the water which reflect the sunlight like a natural crystalline mirror. Across the river are trees lined up forming a wall of wood and leafs. Warm lights streak through the gaps of the leafs. To complete the looks, a clear blue sky with sparse white clouds can be seen beyond the top of the trees.

It was a beautiful sight. If only I can see it properly. Instead, what I'm looking at right now is everything around me at once. No wonder I got such horrible headache. It's like I suddenly grew a pair of eyes on the back of my head. No, scratch that. It's as if my entire head is an eyeball.

I rubbed my head just to check if it's actually an eyeball. It's not.

Why can I suddenly see in every direction at once?

There was also that odd sensation of being able to see even after covering my eyes with my hands. I checked my eyes once again by rubbing my hands into them.

hmm? Wh- where's my eyes? Where'd my eyes go?!

Instead of the familiar squishy feeling of rubbing your eyes, what I got was a smooth leathery texture. Ah, I see... I can see even when I cover my eyes because I have no eyes in the first place! Now everything make sense, hahaha.

Like hell it does!

It's gone! My eye socket is now covered with what felt like skin. I scrambled my way into the river with hope to get a reflection of my face. What I saw was a face from a gothic fantasy movie.

Reflected in the water was the face of a pale young girl, barely in her teens, with a small rosy nose and lips. A faint color of strawberry smoothie was present on her round cheeks. Silver silky hair flowed from her head into the river water. A doll. An exquisitely beautiful glass doll if not for her eyes, or rather her lack of. As I deducted, the place where her eyes should be is now covered in skin.

"... Is this really me?" I said in disbelief. I tried rubbing all corner of my face with my hands and the girl beyond the reflection mimicked my movements.

"No way, right?" my mouth trembled, "I... I... I'm soo cute!"

Yup. If only she had eyes, this girl would definitely be an idol back on Earth. I should stop referring myself in third person, this is me after all. fufufu, that's right. This is me.

"It's just... these eyes, though."

Looking at my body, I can see that I'm still dressed in my pajamas. How nostalgic, how many lifetime ago was that?

The pajamas is oversized, though. The shoulders drop and the sleeves go way over the length of my arms. Same goes for the pants. Seems like this body is smaller than my actual body. Thankfully the pants used rubber with two laces going out from in front of it used to tighten them. After I pulled and tied the laces, the pants is tight enough that it doesn't suddenly slip off on its own. I also rolled up the legs so I can walk properly and not slip like a child wearing her mom's pants.

There's a problem though. The underwears are too big. Both my panties and bras simply drop down like a flimsily tied rope on a greased chrome pole. Am I a child now? How old am I?

I'm a bit thankful for it though. Now I can at least tear my panties and use the cloth as a makeshift blindfold. I can see even with my eyes, or at least where they should be, covered anyway. Might as well cover up this abomination. I simply left the bra, though.

Now then, let's SEE what we can find.

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