4. I Want Magic Too~

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I can't believe I died again.

Once again, I'm sitting on the bank of the same river I came from. This time the sky is dyed in deep orange with a faint tint of blackcurrant purple on the horizon. It was still morning when I met those two, I guess time must've passed while I was in the void.

The left side of my pajamas are torn apart and soaked in blood. Although, there is still some questions. Why am I here again? Is this the legendary respawn system? My body is perfectly fine, it's just my clothing.

But, seriously? What's up with those guys! They didn't even bother listening. How could they cruelly decapitate a cute girl like me?

... calling myself cute is a bit lame, isn't it?

"Uuuu~ those guys! Even if dying doesn't hurt, getting your neck chopped off still stings, y'know!" I ranted to nobody while flailing my feet in the water and rising my fists to the air.

"Those idiots! I'm human too, stupid! Uuugh, whatever." I dust off my butt as I stood up. Darkness started to crawl it's way up into the sky and the air drops a couple degree of Celsius. Last time I decided to go deep into the forest. This time, I think I'd follow the river downstream. I'd probably end up to a lake or a shore.

Anyway, that man said something about me flaunting magic or whatever, right? Does that mean I can use it too?

 Ohoho, my heart is starting to race again. Magic is exciting, isn't it.

I stopped walking, put my arms up, palms facing forward and...





Nothing happened. Of course nothing happened.

I scanned my surroundings just to make sure nobody saw that embarrassing scene. I was all in a stance with my knees bent and everything too. If someone I knew saw me doing that, they'd probably relentlessly tease me about it for the next 4 months.

I guess magic doesn't work like that. Maybe that guy was wrong and I can't use magic afterall. What is magic anyway? There's no such things on Earth, only tricks using smokes and mirrors.

I don't mean to brag, but back on Earth I was pretty good at doing magic tricks. It's just cardplay and some sleight of hands, but my younger siblings absolutely loved it. Whenever I visit home or when they visit me, they would beg me to put a show for them. I wonder how they're dealing with my death? I hope they don't take it too hard. Poor kids. I wish I could say goodbye to them before I died.

Now that I think about it, there's also another magic I can do. I can command other people who sold their souls to me to do my bidding against their will. It's called Managerial Position. A truly dark magic, that one.

Jokes aside. Let's calm down for now.

I dropped and sat crossed legged on the ground. Let's try meditation, maybe I can use magic when I concentrate. I closed my eyes and regulated my breathing. 

When I say closed my eyes, I mean I ignored everything around me and just unfocused my visions. I can't close my eyes, after all.

Deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale-

"cough cough! ugh." I choked on my saliva. Don't blame me, this is the first time I try meditating. I normally just sleep when I want to clear my mind.

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