chapter twenty eightt

Start from the beginning

She said yes and typed somethin into her computer as I thanked her and walked back to the table. Kankuro and Temari were gone, and so was the huge pile of books.

"Where'd they go?" I looked around as I asked Gaara.


"Oh... Well let's go." I sighed and picked my chair up off the floor, putting it back to normal. Gaara nodded and we started to walk out of the library.

'Walling home... Alone with Gaara... Perfect!'  I grinned mentally. Well I thought it was perfect... Until...

"Hey! Hey wait!" I stopped and turned around, seeing Kiba run towards us.

"Don't forget me!" He said as he caught up to us.  I sighed.

"Yeah, ok. Come on." I made sure to mkae him walk in the back, behind me and Gaara. 

'He ruined it! He ruined it! He ruined-' My thoughts were cut off as a familiar voice began yelling...

"Kiba? Hey, Kiba!" The three of us turned to see Aiko running towards us. 

"Aiko? Oh, hey!" Kiba's face practically lit up. I smirked.

"Hey Aiko!" I smiled and waved to her.

"Hey, Kitsune! You don't mind if I steal this boy... Do you?" She giggled, grabbing Kiba's arm. I raised my eyebrows, laughing.

"No, not at all. See you later!" I quickly turned and started walking to avoid talking to Kiba and Aiko any longer. Aiko's fit of giggles could be heard long after Gaara and I started to walk away.

"I thought he's never leave." I sighed before laughing.

"What do you mean?" I looked over at Gaara, who was looking back at me with a questioning look on his face. 

"Well I was kind of just wanting it to be you and me..." I blushed a little, smiling at him. And he blushed back... 

Gaara blushed. 

And he looked really cute. 

I quickly looked down to make things less... Awkward-like. 

"'Cause you know... I really like you and all..."

'Seriously?! Now I just sound stupid!'  While I mentally kicked myself, I looked back at Gaara.

"Y-Yeah." He seemed a little confused. "I like you, too." I smiled again and laughed.

Sadly enough for me, the library isn't that far from our house... And by the time we talked a little more, we were already on the steps. Temari opened the door, beaming with a;

"Oh hey, guys! Sorry we left you two..." She didn't stop grinning for at least five minutes until Gaara went to find his brother and I was downstairs with her alone.

"What?! You're creeping me out!" I turned away from her and began to walk to my room.

"No, wait!" She grabbed my shoulder, whirlign me around. "Did it work?!"

"....Did what work?" I raised an eyebrow, confused at what Temari was trying to say to me.

"We left so you guys would kiss already!" I must have blushed at least seven shades of red. 

"Shush!" I threw my hand over her mouth. "You're yelling it to the entire house, he'll hear you!" She laughed a little, but it was muffled by my hand. I took it off and she smiled.


"Well you never even told me you were gonna leave like that so... No nothing happened." Temari groaned.

"Come on! You need to hurry up... We're leaving in a few days and you'll miss your chance!" I sighed, knowing she was right. Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro would be leaving.  And who knows how long it would be untl I saw them again?

'You'll miss your chance...'

Kankuro's POV

"Come on! You need to hurry up... We're leaving in a few days and you'll miss your chance!"

Gaara started back at me, his light eyes narrowed.

"Would you stop that?" 

"Not until you kiss her!" I pointed at him from where we were both sitting on the ground in my room.

See, my little brother like Kitsune. A lot. Temari and I are smart enough to see that, even if he doesn;t realize quite how much he likes her.

And that girl is head over heels for Gaara. 

Said boy looked away from me, glaring at the ground.

"You know you want to!  If you wait too long, you'll never see her again."

"You want me to kiss her and leave her?" Gaara looked back at me and I sweatdropped.

"N-No... I mean... Ugh." I groaned. "If you date her then she'll visit us! You guys can spend time together or somethin'." I could see my words were starting to have an affect on Gaara. He was listening to me. 

"And if I do, you'll leave me alone about it?"

"Well don't do it because we're bothering you! Do it 'cause you like her." I grinned.

We had a mini staring contest. My dark brown eyes against his pale green ones. And of course, I won! 

"Fine." Gaara sighed, looking to the side again.



I'm not even going to try and explain why this is uploaded so late.... So just read it and all that :P

I didn't edit, so please exuse any spelling or grammar mistakes... 

I'm really sorry, though! But I hope you liked it anyway! (And to anybody commenting about me stopping the story... I promise I won't quit uploading until this thing is done!!)

So I was thinking... Originally I was planning on a sequel for this story... But I don;t know if I should anymore. I don't know if I should/could drag this idea out for another go. But I'll decide when this is over XD

So like always, two votes before next upload! (It will be a little while, though... Not as bad as this one hopefully!)

So thanks for being patient with me and I hope you guys liked it!


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