Chapter 8 - Girls Night

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"So... Have you started planning for the wedding?!" Abby asked anxiously as she sat on the couch by Carter and Ziva. Three days had passed since Carter came back to work. Gibbs had given the team the night off so Abby invited Carter and Ziva over for a girls night.

"Not much yet, Abby! I just got out of the hospital two weeks ago!" Carter laughed as Abby anxiously crossed her legs like a little kid.

"But you had the two weeks while you were still in the hospital, did you not?" Ziva smirked.

"Well... Yeah... But Tim was at work most of the time... I couldn't plan much without him there!"

"Oh what's he gonna help?" Abby joked, "This is girl stuff anyways."

"She is right, Carter... Well... Kind of... Tim can help pick out the location, guests, food, and those types of things... But you. You get to start thinking about dresses, bridesmaids, flower girl, and color themes!" Ziva said getting more and more excited as she went on.

"Well... I have been thinking about that a little bit..." Carter trailed off, smiling at the ground.

"Well?!" Abby and Ziva said in unison.

"Of course I want the two of you to be my bridesmaids! I was thinking I would ask Scarlet to be my maid of honor."

"I would be flattered!" Abby squeals, pulling Carter into a hug.

"I as well would be flattered." Ziva smiles.

"And about dresses...?"

"I want to go look sometime in the next two weeks... I need to talk to Scarlet and... Dad." A smile crept across Carter's face, "Dad." she whispered again, happiness shining through her eyes.

"So I assume you and Mr. DiNozzo are getting along quite nicely?" Ziva asked.

"We are... It's so... So... Special... To know my dad I mean. All my life I wondered where I came from, and well, now I know... It's mind boggling." Carter explained trying to hold back tears.

"I bet it is!" Abby said, "I bet your glad McTim and I ran that test behind your back, aren't you?"

"I am. I really, truly am." Carter said as a tear slipped down her cheek, "Thank you, Abby."

"You're welcome."

"Alright... Whew. Enough emotions. Time for a chick flick!" Carter said, standing up and wiping the tear from her face.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Ziva agreed.

"What movie?" Abby asked.

"Guess..." Carter smirked before beginning a manly southern accent, "Whatcha wanna be married to me for?"

"Huh?" Abby and Ziva looked confused.

"Oh come on! Maybe this will help." Carter cleared her throat and began talking in a high pitched, childish voice, "So I can kiss you anytime I want."

"Still no idea." Ziva sighed.

"Sweet Home Alabama? Reese Witherspoon? It's like the staple chick flick aside from The Notebook!"

"Never seen it... But I'm up for it!" Abby said.

"Sweet." Carter grabbed the remote and began to scroll through Netflix until she found it, "You're about to witness one of the best chick flicks in cinema history."

"You are so a DiNozzo!" Ziva laughed.

A/N: Please consider giving this a vote and a comment! Comments are what makes me want to keep writing for you all.

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