Chapter 7 - Get a Room

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"Carter!" Abby said running off of the elevator and wrapping Carter in one of her bone crushing bear hugs.

"Can't... Breath..." Carter sputtered out.

"I am so sorry, Carter." Abby said releasing Carter from her grasp. She extended her arms out and placed them on Carter's shoulders. "I missed you. It's been far too long. I am so glad that you are alright."

"I missed you too, Abbs." Carter sighed, not knowing how to approach the topic of her and Tim's engagement.

Tim and Carter had been engaged for over a month now, and picked out Carter's ring two weeks prior when she was released from the hospital. The two of them had made a deal that Carter would be the one to tell Abby about the engagement so as to not bring up any hard feelings towards Abby and Tim's past.

Senior had since gone home to begin packing up his things so he could move closer to his son and daughter. Much against Tony's liking, Carter had explained to him that being closer would bring the family closer and help Senior as he grows older. Senior was all for it as where Tony took quite a lot of convincing. Carter an Tim had begun to look for a house and offered to let Senior take their apartment once they found a place to call their own.

"What's up, Carter?" Abby asked with questioning eyes. She could tel, that something was not normal.

"Well... Abby..." Carter stumbled upon her words. Finally after realizing that she couldn't say it, she held up her left hand to reveal the shining white gold, diamond ring on her left hand.

"No way! Tim!" Abby spun around to look at him, "Why didn't you tell me?! I could have helped you plan!"

"Uh... Well, Abbs... It was more of a spur of the moment thing. I didn't even have a ring when I proposed. We just got the ring two weeks ago." Tim said in defense.

"Two weeks?! How long ago did this happen?"

"About a month and a half ago..." Carter said quietly.

"Why didn't anyone tell me the good news?"

"Because I wanted to be the one to tell you... And I wanted to have my ring when I did."

"It is kind of our fault that you weren't there, Abby." Tony said, "We were talking in Carter's hospital room about McLover Boy wanting to marry her when the doctor brought her wheelchair in... She didn't hear what we were saying but she asked about it and Timmy didn't want to lie to my baby sister."

"That is so sweet, Tim. Carter is one lucky lady." Abby smiled over to Carter.

"Thank you, Abby... But I think I am even luckier... I mean, come on! She is way out of my league." Tim joked as he leaned over and kissed Carter.

"Woah there, McFreaky... If you're gonna do stuff with my sister, get a room." Tony said shielding his eyes.

"Maybe we will." Tim smirked at Tony, making him cringe.

A/N: Sorry that update took so long! College takes up a lot of time...

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