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He was my mystery man, standing right there in front of me.

I had met him on only one other occasion. It was when Cody and Daniela announced us the godmothers and Daniela's brother James and best friend the Godfather's. The best friend being the one and only Seth Backsler.

Seth had been so rude and standoffish when we first met, why would he be looking for me? Unless...

"Is everything ok?" I asked as he remained silent, staring at me.

"You... remember me?"

Was he referring to the dreams or our last face to face meeting?

"Of course, you're one of Ines' godfathers right."

"Yeah." He replied looking stunned.

"So is everything ok? With Ines I mean?" I glanced away, folding my arms under my chest awkwardly.

"Yeah, no everything's fine." He moved to stand and I moved back. "I just uh..." he rubbed the nape of his neck and looked away, looking as if he were forcing away a glare.

"W-well what do you want?"

And that familiar glare was stuck on his face.

"Nothing." He muttered and stormed off, the door of the restaurant slamming shut behind him.

I sighed. That's the Seth I remember.

"Whoa... who the hell was that." I jumped as Em stood at my side.

"Seth Backsler." I muttered causing her to visibly cringe.

"Seth bastard?! No way! What the hell did he want? Is Ines ok?" She questioned as she tried to get another look at him.

"He didn't say..."


I didn't dare go to sleep that night. Knowing it was him of all people who awaited me in my dreams.

God, why did it have to be him.

I glared frustratedly up at my ceiling. My face a burning red as I recalled all the times I had almost kissed dream Seth. And then what if he was having those same dreams?... no fucking way!

I rolled over glaring at my alarm clock as it read 4 am. I have work in the morning damnit.

Focusing on anything but Seth Bastard, I closed my eyes, imagining Timothy and his big blue eyes and his...

Dark eyes stared at me, his body hovering over mine as I lay under him, sprawled out on the warm grass.

"S-Seth! Get off me." I pushed him away causing him to land flat on his ass at my feet.

"Hey! Lil what's wrong?"

"D-don't Lil me!" I glared down at him folding my arms over my chest, suddenly not feeling so comfortable being only in my jamies when I meet him. "Why did you come see me today?"

"I see you every night." He smirked, a smirk I normally found cheesy and adorable, but now I could see his face and I would remember it.

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