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Unfortunately the handsome brunette with gorgeous eyes only wanted directions to the front desk.

"Around the corner." I had replied with a warm smile and he managed a thank you as he rushed off.

I hated myself for not even attempting to hit on him. It had been awhile since I had a boyfriend and at least he didn't look like a highschooler. Sighing I sunk back into my phone.

"Um, sorry again miss."

My eyes snapped up again and I was a little surprised to see the man again so soon.

"Ask for my help enough times and we may end up being on first name basis soon." I joked causing his shy expression to brighten.

"Timothy." He introduced holding out his hand, which I took.

The skin of his hand was smooth against mine, something I found rare when it came to men.


"I-I wanted to thank you properly for helping me."

"It was really no trouble." I insisted, but he continued.

"Really, at least let me buy you a drink."

Oh my god, he's asking me out?

"U-unless you are in high school and I'm being a pedophile o-or you have a boyfriend!" He rushed to correct himself.

"N-no!" I laughed. "I'm twenty four and no... I don't have a boyfriend."

"Twenty one." He admitted shyly.

"Getting a late start?" I asked, referring to school.

"Ah, no. I just moved here from out of state."

"Oh that's cool! Where-"

"I'm free!" I let out a sigh as the familiar voice called out, Emilio appearing in an instant. "And off to work we go."she skipped in our direction, stopping when she realized I wasn't alone.

"Emilio, this is Timothy." I introduced.

"Oh, hello?" Her eyes danced between us. "It was nice meeting you but I'm going to have to steal my friend away." She hoisted me up by my arm and we slipped out the door, giggling like madmen.

"So?!" She shot me a smile as we pulled back onto the road.

"I just told him where the front desk was and I guess I charmed him with my kindness-" She burst into laughter. "Because he asked me out!"

"Sorry sorry..." she settled her outburst. "That's great Lil, did you get his number?"


"Lil you bubble head!" She laughed harder and I groaned in frustration.


I cleaned off the last table with a tired sigh. After five hours at work I was quickly loosing interest in going out.

"Lil?" I looked to Em who was handing me my coat and purse as she slipped into hers.

The Claiming //Under Revision//Where stories live. Discover now