Chapter 3: The Radio

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  • Dedicated to The People Staying Strong

Justin's POV:

I stood there gazing into the poor girls eyes. She probably thinks I'm crazy. I'm just blankly staring.

Her beauty is just breathtaking. Her eyes are memorizing, even with tears welled up inside of them.

As I snapped out of daze I was expecting a scream or something like, "OMG JUSTIN BIEBER" but nothing.

I noticed her eyes had moved from mine. She was gazing at
my tattoos. She looked at them as if she'd never even seen tattoos in her life.

I decided I should probably say something.

"Do you like them?" I questioned eying my sleeve.

She kinda looked at me puzzled and replied in the most captivating voice "yeah.. ". I could tell she was shy and nervous.

Roxy's POV:

His tattoos, were amazing. I had never seen any in real life, just through pixels.

Seeing a human made It all start coming back to me. The things I learned, the interactions, the human greetings. I remembered the one thing they told me to do.
"If you are to encounter a human Speak English and explain to them you are not here to hurt them." I figured now was the best time.

"My name is Roxalxle Taurus, but you can call me Roxy. I come from the race Quoirtuse. I'm here to give you no harm." I stated with a shaky voice.

He just kept looking at me. "Oh no", I thought to myself he probably thinks I'm crazy.

"We'll I'm Justin, Justin Bieber. I come from... Uh planet earth...." He said as if he didn't know how to reply.

I found the way he said introduced himself all dorky, comforting.

For a bit there was just kind of an awkward silence between us. I could tell he was confused, about what was going on.

Through the awkward silence I finally looked back up to him. And our eyes met.

There was something about his eyes. They didn't glow, which normally I would find boring. But I felt like through the dullness I could him. His eyes seemed like that had seen so many things, felt so many things, they held so much emotion and just sat glistening in the sun turning a lighter brown.

Justin's POV:

I was sitting there staring at her. She seemed so sweet but so sad, and scared. I could see the hurt in her eyes, she was trying to cover up it up. But she didn't fool me, unfortunately I know a lot about covering sadness.

I heard a distant yelling, it wasn't a bunch of fans screaming it was more of a single mans yell.

I took my eyes off of hers to see who it was. That's when I saw a LAPD officer.

"DONT MOVE, IT MIGHT BE DANGEROUS!!!" he screamed at me.

For some odd reason this mere use of the word "it" enraged me. She's not just an "it", she's a beautiful girl. I felt this responsibility come over me, a responsibility to protect, protect her.

The officer continued sprinting towards me saying things like "It's okay, just stay calm! It won't bite. Just slowly back away" it, It, IT!!!!

I was so mad that I couldn't control myself, I know exactly how that feels. Being verbally abused. Feeling unearned. I had a quick flashback to London. My frustration was over flowing at this point.

I took a semi big leap toward Roxy and grabbed her arm. I felt a surge of energy come up through my arm and fill my whole body. This was no time to think about what this meant, I just proceeded to lift her up as quickly yet as gentle as possible. I began to pull her but with her hurt leg, she was just too slow. The officer would catch up if I didn't do something. I snatched her up under her knees and held her back up, and began to run towards my car.

Roxy's POV:

"THUNK THUNK THUNK" Justin's feet hit the hard cement below his feet.

This man, whom I only a name. Just picked me up and is running away with me. Literally!

Frantic thoughts filled my mind-
"Should I trust him?"

"Where is he taking me?"

"Why was the officer chasing him"

"Am I crazy for not being scared of Him?"

Although my brain was filled to the brim with worry, my body felt safe. Justin's strong arms held me tight to his chest. My arms were rapped around his neck and I hid my face into his chest. He smelt like nothing Id ever smelt. I could feel his heart beating fast, and his breaths hard.

He started to slow down to a stop. I turned my to head to look back out at Earth. "I'm actually on earth" "this is crazy" I thought.

In front of me was Chrome spaceship looking thing. No this has wheels, my brain scanned through the years of vocabulary cards.
"Oh yeah this is a car" I remembered as Justin opened the door and place me in the seat.
He put me down gently, but my leg still felt a sharp pain. I winced, and he heard.
"Roxy, oh my god. I'm so sorry- " Justin said apoplectically
"ITS FINE" I interrupted him.

He shut my door walked around to the other side of the car. He stepped in and stated the engine. got in. And we began to move.

As we drove I tried to not look at him, but the urge to look was too strong. I glanced over. My eyes followed up the profile of his face. From the harsh jaw, up to his pink plump lips, pass his straight nose, onto his eyelashes, and into his eyes.

He clenched his jaw and his eyes had a nervous gaze on the road.

He was nervous, "Was I making him nervous?"

I could tell he was thinking of something to say.

After a few moments of silence he said;

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I went kind of crazy back there. I just... I..." He didn't finish.

"You what?" I said wanting to know the reason for all this.

"I don't want them taking you away." He said in a selfish tone but still nervously holding back his shaky voice.

With that response I realized, he must be the good guy right? and that officer was the bad guy. I wasn't really sure what to say back, so I just said the first thing that came to mind.
"Where are we going?"

"Mi Casa!!! " he said in a playful voice. Trying to break the awkwardness, I could tell his nervousness was fading slowly.

But I got more nervous and it became really awkward because I didn't know what that meant. I'm pretty sure he wasn't speaking English though... I just kinda sat there waiting for an explanation.

He chuckled and said
"It means 'my house' in Spanish.

I remember learning that humans have different languages, which is strange knowing all of my race have one.
I just kinda chuckled it off.

He heard my chuckle and turned his head. He cracked a small smile, revealing his flawless white teeth, looked down as he breathed out.

His smile gave me butterflies.
"Roxy Tarus, What the fuck. He's a human.." I thought to myself when my attention my taken from me.

His tattooed muscular arm moved from the stick shift to the stereo.

He turned a little nob, which then came the radio. The sound came from the speakers and a heard a small little snippet of a song that went something like "cause allllllllllll I ne.." - Justin's arm tensed and he quickly turned the knob all the way to the left. Cutting off all sounds.

He swallowed hard and glanced at me with guilty eyes.

Authors Note
I hope you're all enjoying the story. Thank you for all the nice replies, and 10,000 freaking reads! IM SO STOKED!
God bless

(leave a comment, I'm very lonely)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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